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Port Said Red

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Everything posted by Port Said Red

  1. Wow, Chris Spittles not doing the usual Radio local thing and sitting on the fence there. Really laying into Yeovil.
  2. PNE and Sheff Utd up to 3rd and 4th as it stands. The league is taking shape more or less the way people thought now.
  3. Little Lee has got Oldham flying, 2-0 up on Coventry already, they are moving up the table rapidly.
  4. Yeah we have the remnants of Gonzales running across the country right now. Missed you though didn't it?
  5. Hmmm, was in Newcastle for two days last week and will be in London on Friday. It's all go .......
  6. Bloody hell I was in Chester last night, moved on to Llandudno for tonight though.
  7. http://www.bcfc.co.uk/news/article/20140411-nottsc-1481501.aspx I know it's a small thing in the scheme of things, but it bugs me that they can't even use the spellchecker when publishing their apology.
  8. I had a dream last night that we got AV approval at the same time as there JR was turned down. We then sold Ashton Gate to the Gas and managed to piss off the VGreeners and the local residents at the same time!!
  9. Yes it would, certainly better than being our new Sean Dyche!!
  10. I am not clutching at straws because I am not trying to be critical or feel I am defending anything, just making the point around the signings he has made appearing not to be within the stated remit. I agree with your point about Milly and GJ because they were "pre 5 pillars" managers and I have always said that it was disappointing to see what GJ had left us with in the end. Like you I dislike the "xbox Manager culture" and see it as partly responsible for the "sack him" kneejerk reactions that are prevalent theses days. I completely accept your last point, I can't say that I know anything about either of those players, but if you say that they fitted the bill and we were trying to sign them, then that is indeed a good sign. Like I said wouldn't it be good to see those sort of signings in the summer rather than the El Abds of this world? As I keep saying, I hope I am wrong and the 5 pillars are standing and SC is the man to reinforce them, (god knows we need the stability!) I am just waiting for the evidence.
  11. Thanks for your replies all. It's nice to see that there are others considering the next step too. I was looking more at the signings of Barnett (almost universally derided 30) El Abd (seen as a liability by most 28/29) and Elliott (who seems to be garnering some praise, but is 35). I appreciate he has been using the three breakthrough players and I am may be being unfair on him in that respect. Wouldn't be good to see us safe with a few games to go and for him to show his commitment to youth by giving a few more a run out in the remaining low pressure games? Esmond. I totally agree with your point about players being ready from the current set up, but I would also like to see next seasons squad contain signings that are pulled from young upcoming talent in the lower leagues or Prem academy cast offs with a point to prove. We have spent too long and too much money on "journeymen", lets at least give a new approach a chance for a while. Flirting with the play offs would be great, but even better if you could see that the potential go even further is within the squad for future seasons.
  12. I can agree on the first part of that statement Robbo, I hope this team continues to get us away from trouble, no fan wants to see us relegated again and having lived through back to back (to back) relegations before, I can tell you it's incredibly demoralising. As for the second part, If anyone reads my posts they probably think I am a stuck record, but I have to question how much longer we can keep putting off the long term plan (LTP). It seems like the worst kind of procrastination, the LTP always seems to be starting tomorrow until we seem to start fire-fighting again. I can see from the replies to my comments in other threads that people think I am "an apologist for SOD" that's not true really (probably more of an apologist for DMC but that's another story), the point that I am trying to get over (very badly it seems) is that we do need a LTP and we need to commit to it sooner rather than later. my main issues are with the board who apparently laid out the LTP twice, they talked about investing in youth with the current Manager the week before they sacked DMC. and introduced the "5 pillars" in the month before they sacked SOD. They then completely backtracked on those 5 pillars, bringing in a Manager on a long term contract and signing players who will have little or no sell on value. Despite what people might think I don't have an issue with Cotterill as such, but right at this moment he hasn't done anything to suggest he is the man who will help build a lasting legacy built around our own youth development, that will give us a firm footing for the future, quite the opposite in fact. It might be that he signed the players he has because he felt that he needed old heads to get us out of the relegation zone, it might be that we will start next season with a fresh young looking side full of potential prospects, and that they will be given every chance to develop even when things go wrong, I hope that's the case, but I am doubtful that it will be. Please prove me wrong SC, I want to see something that gives me hope for a long term future not just something that gives me jam today.
  13. SOmeone should ask that dick at Talksport to predict us to lose every match!!
  14. It matches the rest of the town then. My company has an office there and it's a horrible part of the world. I congratulate our fans on finding it all as it seems to be in the ass end of nowhere to me.
  15. I couldn't agree more. I can sort of understand them panicking when they sacked Delboy, after all they had entrusted the new strategy to a comparatively unproven Manager and it appeared to be backfiring. To then do the same with a manager who had done this before successfully at this level, just when things appeared to be turning the corner was shocking. I have been part of this forum since the Danny Wilson era and can't remember how many posts on this forum over the years have bemoaned the use of journeymen players and our poor return from the youth policy, but it must be in the hundreds, if not thousands, yet this appears to be a policy they were all too readily keen to return to. I could understand it if this was a decision made purely football reasons ( I could understand it but I would have still disagreed with it), but when SL used that away fans forum a few weeks basically say it was because the Manager was a bit miserable, I lost all confidence in there ever being a sensible decision made by this lot again. Clubs like Southampton and Swansea realised that their only real possibility of competing at the highest level,was through a coherent policy that ensured consistency of approach even when the personnel was changed, Their boards have had the bravery to stick to that approach even when there were setbacks, and (in the case of Southampton in particular) probably under immense fan pressure, Thanks to FFP the Lansdown millions are not much use to us now from a playing side perspective, what we need is someone capable of making good football decisions as well as business ones.
  16. Well unfortunately it seems that people in the club went on their personal likes and dislikes too. If we took on todays equivalent to Brian Clough they would probably sack him for speaking his mind if it was criticism aimed at them. After all the most important talent for a manager is to be the kind of guy you could invite around for tea, isn't it?
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