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Merrick's Marvels

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Posts posted by Merrick's Marvels

  1. 12 hours ago, RedNachos said:

    I'm in absolute shock at the criticism of Mehmeti, I think he's developing into a standout player in the squad. When he plays well we tend to play well, cast your mind back to Watford away and Hull, back to back games where he was the best player on the pitch. Inconsistent at times, yes, but we musn't forget he's a young player who's been here only a season and been in professional football for only 3 years. If we let him go I would bet my life savings on it biting us even more than with a Szmodics.

    Bell has never particuarly impressed me, feel he may be a league 1 player, but worth keep hold of to let him develop for another season, especially as he's only recently signed a new deal.

    Selling players in this way hasn't benefitted us before - why would it now?

    With respect, you only need one hand to count the number of young players we've let go who have subsequently proved us wrong. Wes Burns, for example, is very much in a minority. But he took years to hit his straps and had to drop down a level to do so. We weren't in a position to wait that long nor risk dropping into league one, having narrowly avoided relegation in 2015-16.

    Instead we replaced him with Josh Brownhill, sound judgement surely? Wes had to spend 4 years at Fleetwood finding his feet (great to see him doing so well now, for sure).

    As to Mehemti, if he was the best player on the pitch at Watford then I'm Mother Teresa.

    After the recent Coventry game, Manning said - for the umpteenth time in a post match interview - that we got into dangerous areas many times but then failed to create chances - we got into great areas to hurt the opposition in the final third, then didn't, because a cross or a pass wasn't good enough.

    That, in a nutshell, was Mehmeti at Watford. He must have had the ball in dangerous areas nearly a dozen times and - bar one excellent shot that led to Sykes scoring - he consistently took the wrong option, coughed up possession too cheaply, hit a poor pass, failed to create. Which is the story of our attacking play as a whole, it's a failure of all our attacking players.

    Surely the reason Manning was desperate to sign attacking players in January is because most of the ones he's got aren't good enough.

    Players at the level of Twine are what we require up top and I think we can all so that he's a clear level above our current attacking options.

    One thing Manning has also said ore than once is that his style requires players who can receive the ball in tight areas - now this  Mehmeti can do, he has an excellent touch. Which is why I can see Manning sticking with him, even if only as a squad player. To my mind, what Mehmeti needs to improve is his decision making. Who knows if he's capable of that but time is on his side.    

    As for Bell, he needs to rediscover that happy knack of being in the right place at the right time, often at the back post, because he's got a goal in him.  The bench is the best he can hope for next season, though, if we're to make serious progress.  






  2. 8 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    Those clubs all did it their own way though didn't they - Luton, Wolves, Leeds, and Brentford. Which shows that something new can work. With your reasoning they'd have all given up on their own plans before getting promoted.

    I'm not sure our "new" is the right thing by a long shot to be clear, but I also don't agree that just because something hasn't been done before means it won't work

    Who's saying just because something hasn't been done before means it won't work? I'm not.

     I don't have the solution, others are paid to find that. Do you think Jon Lansdown and Brian Tinnion can? With a novice manager in tow?

    For what it's worth, I think trying to play tippy tap requires the sort of players the owner doesn't want to pay for, so the alternative is to find a style that's suited to good players from the lower leagues who are cheaper and in our price bracket. Which is what Luton did. You also need a spine of experience.


  3. Just now, Mr Popodopolous said:

    It fits part of it but only part.


    Wolves bought from L1 ! Played academy kids?


    Brentford are an outlier for all sorts of reasons, no-one's doing what they're doing. They're unique. No point trying to replicate them.

    I can't think of another team that's been promoted using mostly lower league buys and academy kids and played tippy tap football.

    Which is what our plan seems to be.

    Genuinely interested if anyone else has managed it. I somehow doubt it.

    • Like 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, sh1t_ref_again said:


    Typical nonsense reply and usual guff, moving the goal posts. I reacted to your pathetic post, we are not just buying  L1 players, we missed out on a highly rated player to Middlesbrough, brought in Twine and may make it permanent, stated we are after more players in the summer,

    We have done some good business securing sought after lower league players to develop, althoufh Bird was an established Championship player. We will look to move on some of the older players who were brought in by Nige to establish a culture and change the dressing room, but they cannot go on forever.

    But as usual your head is so far up your ass looking at your own agenda that sense is alien to you 

    Sh1t comment AGAIN

    See above.

    What teams have been promoted from the Champ with a majority of the team made up of L1 buys + academy kids + tippy tap football.?

  5. 19 minutes ago, Leabrook said:

    Sorry not a mind reader.  Removed and promoted aren’t exactly similar!  Luton got promoted with a nett spend of pretty much zero over the two years before they went up. Proving you don’t need to spend loads and you don’t NEED parachute payments to do it.  The style of play is irrelevant to this thread as we are talking about parachute payments.  You come across very aggressive to people and weirdly seem to accuse other fans of coming up with the strategy.   

    Mind reader? All you had to do was read the first sentence of the post you replied to.

    Next. I knew you'd say Luton so now go back and read my question again. I'll save you time:

    What teams have been promoted based on most of the players being L1 buys and home grown academy kids, playing tippy tap football.

    If you'd read that properly, you wouldn't have said Luton.

    Because Luton don't play tippy tap football and haven't put the emphasis on academy players.

    As I also said, if you'd stop to read carefully, non parachute payment teams can compete at top end of our league but not doing what we're doing - L1 buys + academy kids + tippy tap football. They find alternative strategies.

    If teams have been promoted doing what we're trying to do, please name them. I'm genuinely interested to know which ones.

  6. @sh1t_ref_again

    Name me the non parachute teams who've been promoted using mostly league 1 players and academy kids playing tippy tap football.

    There are ways non parachute teams can compete at the top of the Championship - but it's not by doing this.

    sh1t comment again incoming. Actually, don't bother, I've remembered you’re on ignore.

    @Leabrook how about you tell me which teams have been removed using this strategy.

    • Facepalm 2
  7. 37 minutes ago, Lord Northski said:

    The Championship table needs asterisks next to the name of football clubs who benefit from parachute payments in all published league tables. In so doing, it shows that these clubs’ league position is artificially inflated by an unfair and disproportionate allocation of money, which makes an absurdity of the league, akin to performance enhancing drugs. 

    With this made evident, all readers will have an understanding of the inequality in the league, so it’s obvious to all, and these clubs’ successes should be judged (or tainted) accordingly. 


    But don't worry, buying L1 players and "improving them on the training ground" will see us alright when we turn into tippy tappy worldbeaters.

    • Haha 6
    • Facepalm 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Leabrook said:

    I said where I think we will finish not what the aim will be. The plan will be play offs. 


    Finishing mid table ish would be acceptable?

    Finishing not much different to this season would be acceptable?

    What's the point of Manning then?

    What happened to top 6?

    What happened to promotion?

    Unless Manning has us consistently top end and knocking on the door next season (no chance imo) whats the point of all this upheaval?

    Petty score settling??

    • Like 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, Leabrook said:

    I would disagree we are going down if that’s the plan. It will be mid table ish, maybe a bit lower. But if we sign a good striker and 10 then it won’t be much different to this season really. 

    And that's the plan is it?

    Mid table ish.

    Not much different to this season.

    What's the point of Manning then?

    What happened to top 6?

    What happened to promotion?

    • Like 3
  10. 12 hours ago, Ivorguy said:

    Best literary reference is in Saturday Night and Sunday  Morning 

    Do you mean Loneliness of the long distance runner by the same author - Alan Sillitoe - which contains a short story called The Match and begins with the line "Bristol City had played Notts County and won."

    Contains evocative descriptions of football in the 50s but isn't really about the game, rather about working class life in Nottingham at the time, much like a lot of his writing.   

    Microsoft Word - The Match.doc (uwo.ca) 

    • Like 1
  11. 14 minutes ago, Fordy62 said:

    Peak otib to suggest knight isn’t up to it. 

    If he was still at Derby, do you think Manning would be after him this summer? 

    I'm not so sure. 

    Looks far more a Pearson player in a Pearson team, to me. 

    • Like 1
  12. Much a prefer a steady Eddie, someone you know will give you 7 or 8 out of 10 every week. That was Maenpaa. 

    O'Leary has been excellent in our cup ties, now calamitous. Unfortunately for him, the die is cast - he could have a dozen good games in a row but never shake the feeling that a cock up is just round the corner. 

    So it's a No from me. On balance.   

    • Like 5
  13. 2 hours ago, Major Isewater said:

    Liam Manning talks about keeping emotions in check , not getting too high or too low during a game whilst I don’t want to see a team of hotheads I do however want ‘ emotion ‘ in my players. 
    Emotion is what gives an athlete that extra yard or the desire to stop an opponent at all costs.

    Emotion is what fires up a crowd and binds them to the human beings representing their club. 

    Emotion feeds dreams and visions. 

    Have we lost something in football as coaches and administrators sap the joy out of the game. We used to go to games to let off steam. We shared the highs and lows, the beer breath , woodbines and a good sing song. Now we are customers who must sit down, mind your language and conform to the modern image of the sport. 

    I fear that Mr Manning has reduced our squad with his coaching as our lads are not world beaters but good honest players who bought into the spirit generated by the previous manager. He needs to be freer and more spontaneous to release the creativity in the team. IMHO. 

    Jürgen Klopp is right: man-management skills are being lost in a rush of data | Jürgen Klopp | The Guardian


    • Like 3
  14. 14 minutes ago, Super said:

    Every team gets injuries just have to get on with it. It's not the end of the world. 

    Of course other teams do.

    But what other team in the Champ is relying on 1 player to create/score as much as we are on Twine?

    We all know the implications of this team, losing this player, for an extended period - the season deader than the deadest dodo, because we cannot score a goal.


    Because the new manager's philosophy is so alien to his defenders that it's taking forever for them to get to grip with how they're supposed to pass into midfield. So need more time. Then again, the midfielders are taking forever to understand what the new man wants too. So they need time too.

    Meanwhile, our centre forward waits in vain for a sight of goal.

    In short, we rely on quick transitions of one or two passes, or a set piece, to create chances - ie Nigel Pearson's team.

    The Forest game illustrated how the defence and midfield are getting to grips with Manning's way but without Twine there's a way to go yet.

    You knew all that but happy to help.

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