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Merrick's Marvels

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Everything posted by Merrick's Marvels

  1. Christ, even Andy Shitehausen wasn't this much of a shitehouse. Love it.
  2. Did Richard Latham tell TC or Bug Joe what formation they should be picking? Or Peter Godsiff pontificate to Fred Ford or Alan Dicks?? Generating clicks on his employer's garbage website is one thing but this smacks of a death wish. Funny, though.
  3. Allegedly we're trying to get to the Premier League. So were Brentford. In the process of working out how to do that, they got rid of Bentley. For a reason. Ditto Fulham and Kalas. Dasilva? Think we got the wrong brother there. James will be of use, in the short term, but will need someone to do his running as covering ground at pace ain't his thing. Ditto Martin. King is past his sell by date and made no impression on any of his last 3 clubs. Just because Weimann's played for some "big clubs" we've all heard of doesn't make him God's gift. Baker? He left in the summer, then came back with his tail between his legs when no-one else was interested. Wells? What amazing achievements have I missed? Massengo has much to learn. Nearly all of them are being paid eye watering amounts that we can't, in reality, afford. That would be OK if they were delivering scintillating football or even, you know, that pie in the sky promotion to the Premier League we're told is the aim. But they're not delivering. Bang average and vastly over paid sounds about right to me.
  4. Being left out for a 32 year old who hasn't played any serious Championship football for years??
  5. Because he's made of chocolate. If you're not made of the right stuff to start with it doesn't matter who the physio or fitness coaches are
  6. Hear, hear. Going to stand outside and applaud TC but not interested in being inside with 20,000 other people at present.
  7. I always enjoy learning new insults, so thanks for this. Bellwhiff, indeed.
  8. It's not his responsibility to fund anything. But as someone with an interest and a degree of expertise in town planning and regeneration, he's entitled to suggest alternative uses for the zoo's current site if in his view, and it's a view worth respecting (though not necessarily agreeing with) given his knowledge of the subject matter, there are better options than housing. To suggest you can't object to the zoo becoming flats, or any other planning proposal for that matter, unless you have the funds to pay for an alternative is absurd. I'm sure you can see that, so can only assume you just don't like Ferguson. Which is fair enough but just say so.
  9. As if the last two and a half thousand pages doesn't prove what a bunch of oddballs (to put it mildly) they are, we now get this! Official confirmation. You really couldn't make it up, the gift that keeps on giving and giving and giving. Truly, our cup runneth over with hilarity and, boy, do we love a glass of schadenfraude.
  10. I completely disagree but there we are, that's life ? As others here have said, he's not actually a natural footballer. He's an athlete with a well developed physique for his age who happens to play football. So he's just not my type, I'm afraid.
  11. We sell because we can get a better replacement, in the current market. Maybe more than one. Players who aren't learning on the job and who can fill a specific role immediately - what is Semenyo? A winger, a wide forward, a centre forward? Right here, right now we don't have the time to wait and found out, given the mess we're in. In a way, he would be a victim of our circumstances if we decided to sell him, although moving to the Premier League would hardly be a hardship. Personally, I'd sell because I find the idea of Semenyo ever scoring 10-15 goals fanciful in the extreme.
  12. Yes please. Goodbye, good luck. Not saying he won't have a career, he's just not what we need right here, right now.
  13. "half"????? say that in Nottingham or Stoke, do they?? wake up, you deluded morons - this city is ours, now f!ck off out of it
  14. I wanted to reply Bournemouth, Norwich, Brighton, Fulham... but there are a lot of sh!thole places in the top two divisions, aren't there? So basically, we're fooked and might as well give up?
  15. Martin Scott man of the match on his City debut. Nigel Pearson in defence for the visitors, Danny Wilson their goalscorer. In fact Sheff Wed scored both the goals that day.
  16. We both know football doesn't work like that (well, at least 9 times out of 10 it doesn't... ).
  17. Just out of interest, and because I've never heard this before, why were these pubs considered "Blue".
  18. Black armbands aren't a tradition in rugby but I trust the death of John Pullin, announced today, is marked in some way. Bristol captain. England captain. British Lion. World class player. Legend. RIP, sir.
  19. I'd be confident of a convincing Shrews win if Cotts was fit. Sadly, that seems unlikely. Would give Wilbs a chance of more heroics, though!
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