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Everything posted by Fpcity

  1. I think the story is that he does speak English but doesn't want to talk it in press conferences in cases something gets twisted due to him not knowing it 100%
  2. Probably because he played a game with a false 9 years ago or something like that haha. He also hyped up Pack when we played them so ?
  3. Yeah the hype around Bielsa has me stumped as well. The media love him and my boss is a Leeds fan and thinks he's one of the worlds top coaches
  4. Yes I've always said communication is a major problem at the back for City. Kalas doesn't seem like a natural leader when he was captain and Bentley either, who always seems like he'll have a mistake in him.
  5. I think the same. I think people like him because he chucks himself in front of shots but to me he's gets caught out of position so has to do it. Another 1 that I think is part of the problem that people don't agree with is Bentley.
  6. I expect there's lots of older people who would be interested in training to be a nurse or something else in the NHS but can't afford to quit their full time job and take out loans and grants for 3-4 years. There has to be an easier way to make it viable for the average person.
  7. The NHS needs a major overhaul but is it too big to do? There's so many pointless jobs now, which just 1 of these could employ 3-4 nurses and I think I saw recently that someone high up said they have no idea how many managers there are. Lots of money gets wasted by having to use sub contracters to do simple work.
  8. I started going in 93 and was thinking the same thing. I really didn't remember Jordan being manager before Ward
  9. Ran out of likes so just wanted to say that's spot on.
  10. Yeah sounds right and released on a free?
  11. Fair few punts as LJ would say How much was Nagy?
  12. Fpcity


    He did play well the other night. I think the thing that frustrates most people including me about him is that he has the attributes to be a good player and cause problems to defences but doesn't do it often enough.
  13. I was there 3 years ago. Was so bored there I actually went to a Stoke game against Bolton I think it was!
  14. None of that tiki taka possession based rubbish
  15. I always thought he was decent player when he played up front. Could certainly do with him now to come off the bench
  16. There's something about Kalas that makes me doubt that's he's as good as a lot of people say. I think we could do just as good or maybe better for less wages
  17. Bang on, that's my opinion on him. Think he does a lot of camera saves and has a habit of palming the ball back into the danger zone. Nikki M was a far better keeper
  18. Fpcity


    Exactly. We've had 2-3 years of shit football and struggling with home wins. I for one would take a warnock style if it meant we won
  19. Fpcity


    I actually think he likes us and would manage us in an instance
  20. He look very pissed off which is good. Can just imagine him giving the players an ear full in that Irish accent!
  21. How could he do any worse
  22. To concede 3 goals against 10 men is shocking. Just no hope at the moment we'll improve. Maybe it's time to let the Benny ghost lay to rest and try a foreign manager?
  23. As some comments above it wouldn't surprise me if he resigned due to health reasons. Pretty sure he said he's chilled out more before he joined us. So may decide the stress isn't worth it.
  24. On paper it's not a bad team I don't think? Maybe Pearsons ways are too old school and they don't want to play for him. I wanted him here but nothing has changed even though there's been a over haul in the backroom staff we just aren't doing the basics.
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