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TV Tom

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Everything posted by TV Tom

  1. Dead right, the silence coming out from anyone even remotely associated with BRFC is deafening, they should be shouting from the rooftops about this fake sheik and the non activity that is constantly in operation in North Bristol
  2. To be fair there are plenty of “casual” fans in general who would stay home to watch the football on TV
  3. Personally I think your defence will keep you up, seems a shame that it looks like Bradford, dispite the great crowds they get will be one of the 4 worse teams than you, they look truly awful
  4. Got the rub of the green tonight didn’t you Miah ?
  5. “You’re nicked you slaaaaaaag”
  6. They won’t be so keen if they bump into the horse & mini-bus punchers
  7. Massive six pointer today, will they get over 8 thousand ?
  8. There was a better class of bird down the Rockpile
  9. Partridge or Brent, impossible to choose
  10. They really should have their own top 50 cock ups on one of those digital TV programmes
  11. Obviously number one, i would also have Santa’s grotto & the disabled stand in the top five
  12. Window punching? Monkey Tennis? Inner City Sumo?
  13. That pic was great, I imagine it’s even more prominent now
  14. This is exactly the case, their fans think we should be as placid as they are, I think there would of been a week of riots if we ever got relegated to the conference !!!!
  15. He is gradually falling apart, this is all going to end in tears
  16. I’ve also noticed that, he opens his sentence with “Listen, I take full responsibility” then steams into his players complaining there are no leaders, they’re not good enough, they’re not doing what i’m asking of them, they need to man up, he then ends the sentence with “ but hey, listen, I take full responsibility” it’s the same every week, comedy gold
  17. Don’t doubt what you’ve heard but would be very surprised if anything was built on the A4 between Bristol & Bath, that roads a nightmare at the best of times, i’ve heard that if Bath were to move then it would be more likely to be towards Wiltshire where they have massive support
  18. The GHS will probably be picking on the half a dozen Cheltenham fans heading home from Brentford
  19. So much for “Fortress Mem” 3 home games, 3 defeats, and the bestest most loyal fans in the world booing them off as well
  20. Clarke’s after match interviews are getting more embarrassing yeh, no, listen kept on stating that he’d take the responsibility and blame because it’s “my team” then proceeds to slag them all off because they couldn’t string two passes together and having a total lack of leaders & leadership, the guy is deluded and losing the plot
  21. Wasn’t this voted the best advert of all time? God, it makes me feel old
  22. Cannot believe how good Kelly was albeit against a woeful QPR, Weimann and Brownhill also superb
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