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Posts posted by bbew

  1. Speaking to an ex City player when Manning was appointed I asked what the players would think taking instructions from someone who has never played the game, and never managed at their current level (I was just intrigued as in any other workplace that could lead to resentment).

    He said it wouldn't be a problem, they would treat him like any other manager and take on board what he said. He did then say however if the manager was not up to it they would quickly work him out, and that's when problems would set in and players would become disgruntled - I think we are now at that stage 

    • Like 12
    • Thanks 1
  2. I was just about to post a similar thread. The people that know more about football than me - how are we supposed to be playing?

    The high press, winning the ball back in dangerous positions? Keeping possession, so I suppose if we have he ball the other team can't score?  Eventually I suppose the plan is that if we have the ball all the time we will eventually create something?

    As Manning has said himself though, it only takes a second to score a goal.  Other teamsbwho play a possession based game will move the opposition out of position, to create the opening, but I can't see how we will ever do this the way we play.

    The centre backs have the ball, but pass to the full back when the opposition are half way between the two of them, the full back will then get the ball and a player will be on him.  Are we not supposed to draw the man so when the pass is made the player receiving will have time and space?

    When we break, we seem to do so so slowly, or turn back, which then mean the opposition get back behind the ball, so any advantage is gone.

    When we get high up into a crossing positions, we then turn and play the ball back, so the person crossing is doing so from a less favourable angle.

    When the ball is crossed low into the box, there is never anyone attacking he near post (as Tammy was so good at), so the ball would have to be perfect to avoid the defender,  keeper, and our attacker be in perfect spot.

    All these things seem so obvious I cannot work out what I am misunderstanding.  I cannot work out what, even if everyone was playing well, we are trying to achieve?

    People have said we lack quality, but so do most teams in most leagues, but they manage to score.

    • Like 1
  3. 42 minutes ago, Spike said:

    The amount of people laying into him today just blows my mind. We played the wings and offered nothing, he was essentially being given the ball with no inside options and the only other option to go down the wing and cross. Someone even said all he does is cut back but what else is he going to do with no inside pass and no-one to aim for in the box?! Sykes came on and looked identical to him but on the other side and we all know how good Sykes is, this game was never going to be a game where they would shine, they were being asked to do everything and given nothing to help them.

    But he didn't go down the wing, it would have been good if he did. He didn't pull wide into space, he didn't make a run forward to try and get the ball. I can't work out if he genuinely didn't know what he was doing of if that was his instructions. 

    A few times he was unlucky and just on a different wavelength to others with passes.  I remember Semenyo having a similar performance so wouldn't write him off yet, and if the rest of rest of team had played well we wouldn't really be discussing it.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, red84 said:

    Even a straight forward, Come on you reds when we kick off or get a corner would help lift the whole ground!

    The Leeds match was a new low for me in terms of atmosphere.  1 down, an injury time corner, and not even a 'come on your reds'.  Maybe everyone just new it would be a poor delivery!

    • Haha 1
  5. 3 hours ago, 22A said:

    The points dropped by Leeds that day helped ensure Arsenal and not Leeds were League Champions that season. The Leeds fans rioted and their first few home games next season had to be played at least 10 miles away from Leeds.

    Referee Ray Tinkler and his Linesmen continued to officiate at matches.

    Am I missing something here? The linesman put his flag up but the ref correctly overruled him?

  6. 29 minutes ago, UncleRed said:

    I’ve experienced Ashton gate multiple times when the atmosphere was worse than that today, and about the death of football people keep banging on about, that’s their opinion and not factual. I for one don’t find it boring watching the team I support live, playing that style. And I’m sure I’m not the only one.


    I agree today was “shite”. But name me a team that has never played “shite”. And yes I did attend today, supporting the team no matter the circumstances.

    Which games would you say were a worse atmosphere than today out of interest? Today it was pretty much silent for 90 minutes, I can't see how it could be any worse.

    I agree to an extent with the initial post.  I have seen many games over the years where we have been bad, very bad, technically players much worse than our current squad, but in terms of entertainment, today was one of the worst.  There was just nothing, we barely got near their goal.  We didn't even have a go.

    What I don't understand is why when there was an option to break away, outnumber them, we would delay, or turn back, they would get behind the ball and we would be back to square one again, side to side again where the chances of getting forward and scoring were next to nothing.

    • Like 1
  7. 21 minutes ago, BCFC31 said:

    This conway up top on his own is absolutely usless and is clearly a flawed tactic we need to either go out and sign a specialist lone forward or put two up top. Doesn't help with conway bang out of form he keeps getting caught flat footed and just looks a yard or 2 off the pace he's probably frustrated aswell because he just isn't in the games atall! the lansdowns HAVE to back manning financially because manning can't and will not be able to do alot with a squad of players assembled by pearson over 3 years to play a certain way. different players do different things for as long as this club close the cheque book then we won't get anywhere you brought your man in Lansdown now let's so you back him.

    Would you be saying the same if he has scored the chances he should have in the last two games?

  8. 34 minutes ago, IAmNick said:

    I think we just have to accept that those of us who are regularly on here are the "hardcore" - not necessarily in terms of going to games, but in keeping up to date on what's going on in and around the club and discussing things to a really high level of detail.

    A lot of fans watch the games, read the odd headline in the post, maybe check BBC sport, and that's mostly it. It is frustrating at times like this but that's just reality. They probably don't know that BT has talked about being Cat 1 before and so on.

    I assumed that the people who would give up their Monday to go to this would be more clued up, but obviously not!

    So the fans who sit on their phone moaning are the hard core, but those that travel the length of the country watching City are not, strange comment

    • Like 6
    • Haha 1
  9. 18 minutes ago, 2015 said:

    if they had just come out and said NP did a good job in stabilising the club during a difficult time and although there have been improvements we just want to go in a different direction then i'd have understood.

    To come out and say they believe the squad is good enough to get promoted is unbelievable, we all know this side isn't as good as that. I can imagine they said that to NP and he told them we have no ******* chance especially after selling Scott.

    I think the hierarchy did not like the fact NP was a realist compared to their utter delusions.

    Your first paragraph is exactly what JL did say in his interview though.

  10. 20 minutes ago, Numero Uno said:

    Had someone turned round to you and said twenty years ago "a new Owner is coming in and pumping in £200m plus over the next twenty years" would have thought "mmmm, that will at least guarantee us perennial lower mid-Championship football then."? You can't question the investment but for me we should have done a lot more with it than we have. For all that investment we are still only a division head of our ramshackle noisy neighbours who wear poverty as a badge of honour. Not good enough for me.

    But if they had said that a significant amount of teams in the same league would have money coming out their ears and that £200m was not a particularly large amount in comparison to them, our achievements (or lack of) may have been viewed differently again. 

  11. 27 minutes ago, KegCity said:

    That’s been said for years now, still waiting.

    Don’t think anyone can dispute Lansdown’s major improvements for the infrastructure of the club, unfortunately it doesn’t matter much if it’s not resulting in success on the pitch. Unfortunately we’re yet to see any bar a cup run and winning a league we shouldn’t have ever been in.

    Is finishing consistently higher than we have for 40 years not considered success?

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Rocking Red Cyril said:

    I do not see football ownership as a for profit ownership model. And 3% over base rate is for profit therefore greed.


    If someone starts a charity, it is hugely sucessful and benefits thousands of people, and they pay themselves twice the minimum wage, is that greed?

  13. Is anyone able to answer in a simple summary of how Lee Johnson wasted so much money?

    Now I admit. I may be mixing up different years and not all of these listed below were under his management.  I also appreciate there have been a lot of duff signings, and extortionate wages have been paid.


    But we have sold Flint, Bryan, Kodja, Reid, Webster, Brownhill and Kelly for huge sums of money.  Surely Johnson deserves just a little credit.

  14. 37 minutes ago, Harry said:

    Also to add. 
    1) O’Leary’s execution of the pass it terrible. He hits the top of the ball and it bobbles. What should have been a very straight forward pass along the floor became a ‘bobbler’. 
    2) It was on Atkinson’s right foot. 
    3) Atkinson is not exactly a prolific ‘ball-player’. He doesn’t have the technical ability to make a first time pass, especially on his weaker foot. 

    The pass should never have been made by O’Leary, but the execution by him was awful and the subsequent howler from Atkinson was awful! 

    With regard point 3 - 

    Atkinson is playing in the second tier of English of football, he trains for hours each day, is paid thousands of pounds a week and is playing on a near perfect surface -  surely he should be able to play a first time pass with his weaker foot!?

    • Like 2
  15. Quite amusing reading these posts.

    2022 - Nahki Wells - Model professional with perfect attitude when out of the team in 2021.

    2021 - Nahki Wells - Terrible body language, should make his own way to matches as is endangering others by (apparently) choosing not be be vaccinated. 

    • Like 4
    • Flames 3
  16. What I find most odd is those who defend the rights of animals and how they live / die (which is not a bad thing for them to do I will add), but simultaneously turn a complete blind eye at the way so many humans suffer in their final years.

    Particularly in the last couple of years, where people were happy to just go along with the elderly being locked in a room for months on end, lonely and  confused, not even given so much as a vitamin tablet by our government even though they were the most vulnerable. Being told by the medical profession we wont come and help you if you become ill, you will be automatically enroled into having a do not resuscitate order, but if you do want to live and you are really ill we may at that point offer a little help.  So many dieing alone in hospital with no visitors, thinking their family didn't care.  The government sacked 40,000 people that cared for the elderly, leaving so many without the care the deserve/require.  It was extraordinary times, but the way people were treated and the fact so many are either unaware or don't care is baffling.

    Yes, we all have a duty to treat animals better, but we also have a duty to our fellow humans.

  17. 2 hours ago, Magger1 said:

    Some pathetic songs from 82 , need to stick to old chants that everyone knows and can join in on , and that ridiculous in a Bristol city fan I’m a ******* wan* er dopey bollox sings that I’d like to punch in throat as I don’t like being called a wan* er by anyone , wise up 

    hi oh hi ho we are the city boys

    C I  T Y  city 

    come on you reds 

    all the old ones are the best 

    If they just sung 'we all drink the cider' as the last line that would work much better and more people likely to join in

  18. Not sure if is just me, but I can understand each decision not being given (since last penalty).  I can't remember us having a stonewall penalty and today neither looked like pens to me.  The south sand seemed to appeal for one at the Atyeo end, but fans closer didn't appeal at all

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  19. If we play 3 at the back we look suspect defending the flanks.

    If we play 4 at the back, we get dominated in the middle of the park.

    If we play very attacking we actually attack less as we cannot create little and the attackers do not get the ball.

    If we play more defensive we defend worse as we invite pressure.

    Do other clubs have such problems!?

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