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Everything posted by CyderInACan

  1. Presumably to let her know that Reading seem to be run by a load of sharks. Good luck to them, you reap what you sow.
  2. It was, but some of the continuity was a bit suspect, you’d see Simon riding along the Suspension Bridge then turn left into bloody Newquay Rd! Also: a donkey in every episode.
  3. Used to bloody love that program. Ace television.
  4. What could possibly go wrong . . .
  5. A “sidmark” if you will!
  6. That kind of implies there is a left-sided Joe Ward out there? ?
  7. TBF he was undoubtedly world class at spouting bullshit though
  8. Out of interest how much is Sky and Sky Sports nowadays? I cut the cord years ago.
  9. Mate of mine who's a Millwall fan reckons they're in for Bryan! I told him to behave but he was having none of it. Now that would be a odd move.
  10. Living by the ground is great, albeit not without the odd frustration. As City & Bears season ticket holders it's ace; sitting in your garden with a free Killers, Manics, Muse, Arctic Monkeys etc concert too is a bonus, as well as making a few quid for parking off gullible gig go-ers with more money than sense. But anyone who moves here and then has the gall to bellyache about it all is a bit much really.
  11. The cramped changing rooms & cold showers were all part of the fun! We used to have 3 teams getting ready in the same changing room and it was fair to say you all got to know each other pretty quickly! I don't miss that trudge down to the Sea Walls and back on a cold, rainy, winter's day though . . . Great times.
  12. Yes. But then they say theY expect RPZ to be phased out or something?
  13. Best thing would be to get him to agree a pay-as-you-play deal.
  14. As a fellow BS3 (Smyth Rd) resident I think the poll was done by Mark Bradshaw a while back, maybe a couple of years. Support for RPZ south of North St was only marginally ahead of no restrictions so I think it kinda got kicked into the long grass. The most recent stuff I have heard about RPZ is that the council are looking at potentially scrapping them. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/bristol-residents-parking-zone-permits-8503430 Not forgetting though that there was a stipulation after the AG rebuild that if there were a certain number of games in a row that exceeded (I think) 20,000 attendance then the club itself had to fund & implement a matchday parking scheme in the surrounding roads. https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-news/ashton-gate-survey-residents-matchday-1237820 To sum it up: nothing will change.
  15. Yeah once they stop tweeting about the Arctic ****ing Monkeys eh.
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