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Everything posted by Sixtyseconds

  1. Lads please.. Not singers 82. Best left in the South stand.
  2. Its 87. Another year and there would have been. And she when in the enclosure was mates with those who would wear it.
  3. To be fair to them they missed a staue being carried a hundred metres across thre centre in broad daylight. It is quite gloomy in the Atyeo.
  4. By the time I was twenty I had seen numerous riots. City. Gigs. Protests. 80's life was a back drop of windmilling pugilists. I think it changes you ... Has to. When I see the odd fight, the arms out and the silly bounce. Not much to see there. You've always seen better and more threatening and more dangerous.
  5. I know Freegard was up top. Paul Rose magnificent perm? Twas at Frome Road. Behind the goal people passed lager cider spirits through the holes of the corrugated fence. Trowbridge didnt score .. I know that much.
  6. Years back used to work with a Trowbridge player. Watched them first round of the FA cup lost one nil ... They were conference (?) with John Freeguard up top. Went out with the players in the town with my mate telling players I had played with him. True five a side. I was a half decent player. Hopeless outrageous lie. Anyway they were top lads. Order used to be summat like Trowbridge - Chipnumb - Melksham/Frome, Then Bradford /Devizes /Westbury. What division they in now?
  7. If you see where we come from you know why we are here – Melksham kiddies. Used to be some proper Lads coming from Melksham and Trowbridge who managed to put a side windmilling the opposing towns inhabitants to get along and watch City. Good to see rubber towns team doing well. Question what happened to Trowbridge Town FC?
  8. We also sort of supported Vice Squad at Warminster back in the day. As local yokels attacked anything with spiky hair we fought them off as the Vice Squad loaded up their gear. And then the Vice Squad buggered off leaving all. Stand strong stand proud Vice Squad. Stand strong stand proud.
  9. Ernie. Cider. A drunk chap on a chair. Deep meaning and humour. Excellent flag work.
  10. Everybody knows he wont get a look in for Ingerlund due to Harry K etc up top. But if he wants to play for Scotland why not just ask?
  11. You can't go around telling Geordies not to wear something. These people already go bare chested in winter.
  12. Newcastle United - Newcastle United issues guidance on matchday attire (nufc.co.uk)
  13. BS look at this S82 as the leaders of their SS in the SS. Its control. S82 have been used to say you cant put that there or stand there or sing that because it has to be put there in the SS and you can stand there in the SS where you can sing that with S82 in our official SS. And this S82 went along with it. What would BS need to .. Change that mindset. Totally.
  14. Interesting. Lions flag day and the Wessun all dayer get together shows there still something. Days of celebrating fan culture. That there culture isn’t wanted by Bristol Sport though. They have homogenised match day. Debollocked it by creating their singing section. This Section 82 have helped the homogenisation and debollocking of Ashton Gate along. Outside of the authorised singing section the homogenisation and debollocking of Ashton Gate was accelerated because there is an authorised singing section. In the Dolman whats was the A is now a weedy E you can’t stand to sing or even put a flag up cos that’s for the authorised singing section. Hope? There is still chaps out there with pull. They can get hundreds of the right noisy sorts together. But for Bristol Sport to want help they have to go well what we have done here is a bit S in the BS .. That is unlikely to happen. This authorised singing section is a problem. As chaps say a singing section says it all.
  15. Sixtyseconds


    Step over? Side step? Start a thread more rools. You introduced bending the genu. Newcastle take over and bending the knee. Here at St James park their bending the knee in poweful statement against inequality. In todays news Amnesty international condemn Saudi Arabias appalling human rights record.
  16. Sixtyseconds


    Woke is a tool for the elites. Create woke wars. Create a woke monoculture. Create a woke batshit crazy language full of ism, ists and obias that bears no relation to the lives of good people. Discuss nothing outside of the chosen woke narrative Attack those who wont bend and take the woke narrative. Divide Western Societies. And the elite and corrupt hoover up democracies, economies and freedoms.
  17. Sixtyseconds


    White privilege. People who know nothing about me telling me I and my family are privileged. Its guff. Afua Hirsch.. Rich parents. Private education. Brought up in Wimbledon. Skiing holidays for school trips. Writes about white privilege. Err ...
  18. Sixtyseconds


    Some of the extreme woke have arrived. They will utter white privilege .. Hiss it. It’s in the eyes ... You can see their madness. They have been radicalised by the books of critical race theory. Telling everybody what they are. What you must believe. Don’t do that and even don’t wear that cos its cultural appropriation. Putting you in their boxes, Society is systemically racist. All white people are racist and have privilege. Black people can’t be racist. Prejudice from people of colour to POC is colourism not racism. Your white kids are racist at birth. History should be decolonised. Whites have to atone for their history. To disagree out comes the you’re a racist card .. A fave on the politics forum of the cult of woke. These people are batshit crazy. Some can be saved but some are too far gone now. If a far gone one approaches you identify as black lgbtq+ Eskimo its the top trump (steady) identity card and cannot get be merked yet. Stay safe out there.
  19. Sixtyseconds


    Because it is political. Woke culture decides its provocative. They want compliance. You cant say that because we say so. Its rotten.
  20. Alan Sharia. Way aye man, we'll have fancy players and all the money like and the trophies an well keep bending the canny knee for equality and beheadings Tooooooooon.
  21. Sixtyseconds


    Did anybody try to buy their sandwiches? Operator can you give me the number for? What do you mean it doesnt exist theres an advert at Ashton Gate ...
  22. Sixtyseconds


    You would give Johnathon Edwards a challenge with your hop skip and jump. The context was on the banner. WE ARE NOT FAR RIGHT. People of all races. Your saying that context doesnt matter. The sketch was what the OB said. The OB sketch was right wing. No hop skip and jump needed. Anybody knows what was meant. As people pointed out at the time that right wing don't let all races in.
  23. Sixtyseconds


    An opinion Not a undeniable fact. Which is a fact. An undeniable fact was that there were other words written alongside your undeniably a racist slogan. And those words were?
  24. I agree. Well said. Jokes about weight have upset the woke on the politics sub forum. When I stated Tomlin could be the next James Bond I was 110% serious. It more than time that a person of girth was represented in cinema as a trained to kill superagent killing all the baddies, saving the world and getting the girl.
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