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GodEmperor Palpatine

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Posts posted by GodEmperor Palpatine

  1. Classless and Australian: The words go so effortlessly together don't they!


    They do judging by the Australian fans reactions and taunts about Diana etc and then defending what they say...


    That's not banter, that's nothing to do with sport.. its crossing a line.

  2. Can't say I am a big fan of a captain saying to a number eleven you are going to get your ******* arm broken. For me that is overstepping the mark.


     I was just about to say how classless Clarke was... As a captain you should set the example not mouth off to a number 11.

  3. Try being in OZ you *****.


    Today was painful.

    Only rain can save us - you all knew that, and it is annoyingly being blown south-east.


    Talk about being the butt if all insults................


    And seriously Carberry, take that stupid firkin helmet off, and never wear it again. Millions of people are taking the piss - "backward Cycling Helmet" being the most annoyingly common one :facepalm:


    See they are as original as ever, the ingrates...

  4. Don't go along with that, playing for Somerset didn't seem to affect Tressies England career. Compo just got bogged down, deserved to be dropped.


    The fashionable county side selection has come in more after Tressies career.

  5. Just think because he's young and plays for Yorkshire he gets in the team. Only 1 good score in 11 innings isn't good enough, Compton was dropped with a better average I think but doesn't play for a fashionable side.


    I would agree with your reasoning about Compton not playing for a fashionable side.. The only criticism regarding Compton as stated earlier is he plays at a snails pace and takes him an age to settle at test level, unfortunately the modern day tests would require him to score a lot quicker than he does.

  6. Definately, the old boys club of who you play for getting you in the team will strike again!


    Expect Nick Compton is sat watching this match unfold wondering what it. The ECB showed their colours when asking for Nick to go and score runs for Worcestershire against the Aussies last summer, promptly scored 100+ and was told that was not enough


    That's what you get now, getting the same as international football before where previous managers picked players from the reputation of their club rather than individual ability.


    Any great cricketers now have to move to a fashionable club to be considered...

  7. Is settle for Cook & Trott scoring any kind of runs at the moment regardless of the pace they are scored at.

    Also, does Bairstow deserve a chance to show what he can do with the gloves next match? The experts claim he's not a good enough keeper to oust Prior but I remember a similar allegation being cast at Geraint Jones last decade and his runs (& partnerships with Freddie) were instrumental in us winning back the Ashes in the first place whilst his lack of keeping expertise didn't exactly hamper us.


    I would agree with you on the 'keeper situation, I would like to see him given the chance with the gloves to and would add another dynamic to the batting, Prior is a great wicketkeeper but as a batsman he is unpredictable and think Bairstow would add steel down the order and form good partnerships with Root and Broad.. also he would help the tail along. A very good batsman at county level and while its a step up to international level he needs to be given the opportunity for the long term future.


    Watch out for Jos Buttler now as well I would say as he has moved to Lancashire, could easily be in contention in the not so distant future for the keeper position.

  8. Said that in the last series that Cook Root and Trott were in such a negative mindset that it just brings problems. Carberry did well consdiering it's his first innings. The most disturbing was us making Nathan Lyon look like Warne and he bowled 9 overs for 17 runs with 2 wickets.


    Absoutely, puts pressure on Bell and Pietersen to quicken it up and then the lower order get wild... shouldn't be like that. Cook and Trott are fully capable of scoring runs quicker than they do.


    It all went quiet over here :(


    Hopefully the weather gods will quieten the natives down and it will dull out into a draw :fingerscrossed:

  9. Anderson looked well pissed off. Understandable as the bowlers busted a gut to put England in a great position only for the Batsmen to fail again.


    That's the problem with Englands batting especially the top order, they are ultra negative and get themselves into the mire.. I know its test but you should be looking at a run rate of 3.30 these days not 2 or less at times especially against ordinary bowling. At least Carberry showed aggression to begin with though.

  10. Not walking is not cheating. Claiming a catch you know you have not caught cleanly is; the same goes for claiming a bat-pad catch when you know it was nowhere near the edge. The difference is that in one you are leaving the umpire to make his decision, in the other you are openly trying to deceive him.


    (This was a quote from the editor of cricinfo, discussing the issue of Australian batsmen not walking against India, 5 years before Broad did the same against the Aussies)


    Which an Australian player did in the last series down under. Beefy was not pleased.


    Did the umpire ask him if he hit it so that he could act dishonestly?


    It wasn't his decision to make.


    A cheat is someone who breaks the rules.


    Show me which rule (or law) Broad broke and I will agree he cheated.


    Incidentally when Australian batsmen were "guilty" of not walking in the second test against India in 2008 did the Indians accuse them of cheating? Nope.


    I suppose you could argue that it wasn't played in the spirit of the game but its like you said earlier.. In football if the ball crosses the line and the officials have missed it then its highly doubtful the opposition will point out it did cross the line.


    By the way the e in bold there? Was that for my benefit fella as I made a couple of faux pas without realising first haha ;)

  12. Everyone in the ground knew he hit it apart from the umpire, he cheated full stop, period,end of, whatever !


    Australia had the chance to review... oh wait they didn't, they wasted them on frivolous lbw appeals.

    • Like 1
  13. He didn't cheat because he wasn't given out by the umpire. Surely in order to cheat you have to break a rule or law? At best (worst?) he acted immorally, but I think it's a bit rich that a team who's last captain (Ponting) would regularly boast about never walking its a touch hypocritical


    Exactly my point, he didn't have to walk if the umpire didn't raise the finger and he was perfectly in his right to stay at the crease unless told otherwise.. like any batsman.

  14. But Glenn McGrath had the mental fortitude to continue picking up wickets, even if he didn't like the replies. Think back to the last tour down under. Mitch absolutely capitulated under the treatment dished to him by the Barmy Army. The clearest example of a team having the fans as their 12th man!


    I remember in particular the fairly unimaginative but highly effective "He bowls to the left, he bowls to the right, that Mitchell Johnson, his bowling is shite!"


    I'd love to see his first deliveries given the traditional goalkeeper treatment "wooooooooooooooh, you're shit, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" :D 


    Poor Mitch.. ;)


     McGrath was just a fierce competitor and a brilliant bowler, he is 10x the player Johnson is now. That's not to say though on his day Johnson can produce it but I hope the Barmy Army get in his head again, that song is class.

  15. Hoping the Barmy Army give Johnson dog's abuse. He's got previous for falling apart under the kind of treatment dished out to Broad and if the Aussies are happy enough to dish it out it would be churlish of us not to reciprocate ;)


    I am sure the Barmy Army will be happy to reciprocate the abuse :D


    Even with the sledging it seems the same, Convicts happy to dish it but couldn't take it back... Glenn McGrath being the prime example, some of the responses by opposing batsmen towards him were classic.

  16. Long may it continue, especially seeing as Broad has admitted he enjoys it :)


    Stoopid convicts ;)


    Our recent superiority over them definitely makes conversations with that side of my family more enjoyable than it was in the 90s!


    Good to see Clarke being exposed yet again. He's a fantastic batsman but it does seem England have his number now...


    Here's hoping that the dominance is here to stay for quite some time :) Judging by our bowling attack it may just be with the likes of Finn and Rankin on the fringe, batting looks potentially strong and it'll be interesting to see how Carberry gets on, just hope Mitchell Johnson isn't going to have one of his 'better spells'... he is a dangerous bowler when on song.

  17. It's a bit like when a referee does not award a goal even though everyone saw it cross the line. Does the defending team ever say "hang on a minute ref, that was a goal" or do they just carry on at the behest of the people officiating the game?


    Course they don't, its win at all costs.


    I think the point I was making regarding the Courier Mail is that its seems petty and hypocritical of them to be slating Broad for 'cheating' when their own are well renowned for not walking when they should. Its good that Broad is using all this negative press/abuse/booing towards him to a positive effect.

  18. Well he did openly cheat......


    And the Aussies haven't then ever I take it? Plus its not in the rules, if the umpire hasn't given him out then he doesn't have to walk until otherwise.. plenty of batsmen have done this in the past and they are perfectly in their right to do so.

  19. Just saw this on the England's Barmy Army Page on Facebook...


    'The Courier Mail just is not learning, today they have no pictures or comment about Stuart Broad and instead say "the player, who thrives on the notoriety of openly cheating."
    Lets hope they keep up this pathetic campaign as clearly it is helping him play better.
    Sunny here this morning so should be a batting paradise once our batsmen have negotiated the new ball and we get the last 2 convicts out.'


    Can only agree, be great to see Broad get the final 2 wickets in the first session and really stick it to the natives :D

  20. Fair enough mate, I actually Like Dhoni the way he won that World Cup for India being Captain and having that pressure on him was immense.


    Don't get me wrong India have some fantastic players and their support is fanatical bordering lunatic fringe but is first class. I just think the powers that be within India have far too much power and seem to dictate how they want the modern game played.

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  21. That's like wanting Rovers to win!!


    Not really, I dislike India because they have too much swaying power within the ICC. Not having DRS is one thing but refusing to play other countries away with DRS then throwing a paddy about it so they don't have to is another and that's why I plumped for Australia then.


    As much as I want England to win 5-0, it wont be a stroll in the park.. Australia ran England close over here and should've picked up 2 wins if it wasn't for the weather in one test and Broads magic spell in the other.. 3-0 was a little flattering for us although very sweet.

  22. As traitorous as it sounds I like Australia and was rooting for them in their recent ODI series with India (simply because I don't like India) but hopefully we'll beat them with relative ease in their own backyard maybe 2 or 3-0. Their bowling attack is half decent but their batting line-up is questionable.


    Watching the interviews on Sky Sports with the Aussie players made me laugh they way they are so arrogant and it would be nice to ram it straight down there media outlets throats who clearly have tried and failed to get to Broady.


    BARMY ARMY :englandflag:

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  23. I would have taken the draw before the game hands down. We were on top for the 1st half and the stats showed this, we came out in the second half Tranmere upped there game which should have been predicted but we didnt up ours we went into our shell and its very self destructive (As seen many times this season) and the thing that worrys me is Sod really doesnt know what to do when the opposition change how they play during a game.


    I would agree with you on the going back to in the shell but that's been a trait that City have suffered for years.. I hope SOD can stamp that out and soon.

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