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Everything posted by phantom

  1. Great day Thank you to those that organised it I kn on here a few don't like a certain initials but it meant a lot seeing so many great friends and all those people who asked after me For those that have me on Facebook I've uploaded videos and personal photos
  2. You've lost weight since I last saw you ?
  3. Was going to say I quite easily spend that on a night out. A few rounds at £25-£30 is easily done
  4. phantom


    Just enforces the issue how easy it is to get up the rankings I don't mean it was easy winning in America but it's not like she got there from being consistently into the second week of a tournament
  5. phantom


    Those that only follow Wimbledon once a year hadn't heard of her, she's been around juniors for a while. Of course it's credit to her for winning a Grand Slam but the quality on her side of the draw wasn't there. I agree about that she seems grounded and that's massively to her credit after the amount of media coverage she got, we only have to look at things like wearing £36k worth of jewellery in her first round victory shows how companies are falling over themselves to get her on board Like mentioned above, it's not a good sign that she is struggling with injuries, let's hope she doesn't turn into another Laura Robson Just my personal opinion I can't see her getting near any Grand Slam titles
  6. What happened to the the rest of the fixtures? Perhaps Eltons helicopter is going spare ????
  7. I never heard anymore, but if you PM next Wednesday I can ask the question for you at the SC&T meeting where the Police liaison officer attends
  8. Not a chance it's going to sell out in a matter of days They go on sale, you'll be fine
  9. I believe I'm correct in saying this is the infamous day Simon Jordan talks about how his car got surrounded by City fans early before one game The difference this game whereas City fans will normally drink in and around central London until as close to kick off as possible, this game we were in Thornton Heath from very early filling many local pubs
  10. I guess £5 off a kids ticket makes the POTD kids price even more of a bargain
  11. Will be interested to see how England perform they looked very average against the baa baas
  12. phantom


    Hate to say but she got very lucky with her draw out in America, credit to her for taking her opportunity but she is a long way off from the top players in the ladies game at the moment.
  13. Not sure that actually makes any difference - games get moved very short notice for TV Who knows when the Police will make their call on what happens
  14. There was (is) plenty of footage from the Palace end that day, was certainly doing the rounds many years ago Exactly this - I can remember this, it was a bit surreal, luckily I had a City badge on and someone recognised me as it was getting a bit lively in there for a while I get your point but this was one of those days where this wasn't the case, Palace supporters and the Police got the situation badly wrong that afternoon
  15. phantom


    He admitted it https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/tennis/61975145
  16. He was our most cautioned player last season
  17. The highlight of the footage up to now
  18. @shahanshahan is the expert but I thought the rescue package last season guaranteed their long term survival
  19. phantom


    Someone definitely had him rattles in the crowd Watch his reaction at the end, blatantly aimed that gob in someones direction, and kept looking in that direction after
  20. That is a pretty small allocation, hopefully was just the initial allocation
  21. Instinct would say I would expect like many of our league games it is just a way of monitoring the number of tickets sold BUT, maybe Argyle will actually enforce people sitting in the seats purchased
  22. It only seems like yesterday all the same concerns were being discussed when it was announced coverage was moving to Quest
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