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Everything posted by phantom

  1. Ahh ok, thought he had some ownership of the Mem still???
  2. At what point does Geoff Dunford get his money back? Doesn't he own something quite important in all of this?
  3. Even they ditched the quarters due to the humiliation of being similar to the sags
  4. That HAS to be someone taking the piss surely? Please god, I literally nearly pissed myself laughing at that cracker!!!
  5. Like their advertising in the Dubai news a few weeks back They must seriously believe the hype around their standing in the world of football
  6. Don't believe you, as soon as it is written on OTIB it is TRUE! !! I'm going to tell everyone in the pub at cricket on Sunday
  7. Well if the June reference was relevant they are screwed !
  8. You should be grateful Glos don't have 5 day matches, they struggle to last 3 at the moment
  9. Will head up that way later, hopefully there about 3pm I'm the fat lad in the black Somerset shirt with red stripes on the sleaves
  10. We've got plenty of spare red seats we can give them, perhaps they would like those ?
  11. Luke Ronchi has signed for somerset for five T20 matches
  12. LOL - what a winning over ! Shame we can't play Notts again this season
  13. This is absolutely spot on, the Chris Gayle thing has just been a complete farce, and the powers that be at Somerset seem to think his three appearances are papering over the many cracks of the team. I thought things couldn't get any worse after last season, but things are certainly looking bleak at the moment
  14. Rovers had just bombed out of the league and some guy had those embarrassing quarters on, people weren't going to miss that opportunity
  15. I was saying the same thing in Cardiff last Saturday, then he suddenly exploded
  16. Will be attending our annual away victory in Bristol. Remember going in there last year after the game singing city songs some local gas kid got all fiery No idea of names of stands, as you go in neville Road entrance there is usually a small marquee with a bar in it, usually stand around there. Had a great laugh with Gloucestershire and Somerset fans last season
  17. I agree, that is exactly how I read it. Guess as written above, it's all about lining pockets now
  18. Assume the June date is to do with how long it will take to get the ground built in time for next season? So if it goes later it would mean leaving it to the season after? Has a team ever moved grounds mid season???
  19. And now the frantic calls to get a wicket keeper in on loan for today's match
  20. Couldn't believe yesterday, the rain was heavier at the end of the fifth over, and we were ahead on DL, Glamorgan hit a boundary to go ahead on DL (whilst the rain had eased off) next thing the umpires take the teams off
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