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Red Homer

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Everything posted by Red Homer

  1. Lets have a bit of perspective here, its another point on the board, its another game undefeated (is it one defeat in 8 or 9 now?), yes, we could have had all 3 points, but c'est la vie!
  2. Missed his penalty though!
  3. Got to love the Radio Bristol "How shit have City been" montage!
  4. Jacket spud with cheese, beans, tuna mayo and coleslaw every game now (or every midweek game when the wife's at work)!!
  5. Love it! Might even push the boat out and have coleslaw as well!
  6. I'm having a jacket spud for tea (the wifes at work and I cant be arsed to cook!). Can I have tuna mayo AND beans and cheese?
  7. Just saw some geezer on HTV claiming to be a representative of BCFC - Doug Something or other. Seems like our Chief Exec was allowed out of his cage today, or was Junior off ill? If so, I hope his mum phoned to let them know he wouldn't be in!
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