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Son of Fred

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Everything posted by Son of Fred

  1. Son of Fred

    The Return

    Welcome back.... Cheers for the update.
  2. Remember them in the pub in Downend way back in the day - lovely girls.
  3. Wouldn't want to look at that man's name on "his" stand anymore..Mr L you can keep next year's season ticket.
  4. 90% of the support don't have the backbone to stay away, or actually care about the effect it would have on Lansdown to hear the vast majority of seats were empty. And the Lansdownes know it. At the end of it all you reap what you sow.
  5. Absolutely - Vote with your feet, the most powerful of weapons to employ.
  6. They can shove "their" club... Not remotely interested in whom they now wheel out.
  7. I'm sure they are as bewildered & sickened as many of us are,myself included - and the players are a very tight group. Hard to read how they will respond.
  8. The spine of the side needs strengthening, no doubt about that at all....so yes,your correct to question recruitment.
  9. If you are correct then 'things' are about to become very spicy indeed - the old bedsheet routine will look rather tame in comparison
  10. Makes complete sense on a short term deal - Will keep them up.
  11. We are at the top of our wage budget ... Do try to keep up old boy
  12. Hate thinking it but a thumping may well be incoming
  13. Next three up- Cardiff Sheffield Wednesday QPR Any two defeats from those three & Nigel is gone. Sobering thought!
  14. If I were in Nigel's considerable boots & the hierarchy were still hedging their bets,despite the obvious excellent work, I'd at the least call the bluff. He has nothing to lose.
  15. Not interested in Lansdownes "plan". Too many lies - it's quite frankly sickening & I've stopped listening.
  16. Thank you.... Sick of the bullshit.
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