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Son of Fred

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Everything posted by Son of Fred

  1. My old fella was there mid 70's when we won in the cup-the slop's off his pint likely still there then!
  2. Spilt brown split....that's easy for you to say..
  3. Its getting late now...nurse,the lights!!
  4. Could be an interesting afternoon as most of the teams hovering around the trap door are playing each other....on *aschat the main worry is Charlie Wyke fit enough to terrorise them again!
  5. No way(sadly)will the gas go down-the current bottem two will go for sure and a few above 'em ain't much better. Still,we live in hope.
  6. No room for sentiment-get Walsh off now,not after we go behind...accept a mistake was made starting him and put it right.
  7. Was a few years ago at Athletico,then linked with possible moves to Man u & Juve.......things of late have taken something of a turn in the direction of south!
  8. In all likelihood your right,they will scrape 'n scratch around and dig out just enough to beat the drop-but 'hope springs eternal in the human breast!
  9. Second one in's nice.......I have a couple of doors I need hanging...............and payment on the day!
  10. And he's not the only one that's "got the hump" right now...
  11. Is this your concern.....? You need to watch that trapdoor back to league two...without your only 'flair player your in the shit(again)pal.. Worst case scenario for us is we finish season a mid-table championship outfit(with much scope to setting sights higher) whilst watching you go down..... Oh deary me..................thinking about the strong possibility of that gap widening still further has given me an appetite-i think i will have a breakfast(full fryup)on the way to work after all........
  12. James-told you we would lose these two...not such rubbish after all.
  13. Cool it laddy-you were sticking the 'chib into Havanatopia for nay reason and gen dishing the shit-get yer chin up. Up the City!
  14. Very harsh red imo....yellow & a word in the shell-like would have been the right call.
  15. James,Olly really was decent,rarely wasted a pass & very economical..take a break son,your having a nightmare.
  16. I think he's wearing a pair too by the sound of him..a very small pair.
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