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Colombo Robin

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Everything posted by Colombo Robin

  1. Huge toss this morning. Anyway, back to the cricket. Hoping for some bazball on steroids! Should be fun, or a massive disaster
  2. You did it to me so i can do it to you is an argument my 10 yr old is already growing out of. Im all for a bit of agro and sledging but what Robinson did yesterday was just embarrassing , and his comments in the media afterwards even more so.
  3. Could you focus on your duties here, please? Selfish
  4. Christ. Probably shouldn't have googled that one on the work laptop
  5. Bit of ITK envy? If it helps, most of us on here haven't a clue either. Some obviously do though. I like the sound of this one. Things are taking shape nicely and i feel yet another exciting false dawn brewing.
  6. Don't really care which pen he uses, just happy he's signed. What was wrong with his first one?
  7. Personally, I'd like to see a little more background research to support your position on this
  8. Think we are all due a few refunds over the years. Could pay off my mortgage!
  9. Also a fact that most Muslims oppose repressive Taliban policies towards women, but you chose to leave that bit out. Interesting choice of profile pic by the way, you dirty 'ole bugger
  10. And perhaps you should stick to presenting Big Break!
  11. I think the point is that the Taliban don't represent the views of all Muslims. A tiny fraction in fact. @Robbored has once again had a 'mare here
  12. Haha. Was having the exact same thought myself. A swing and a miss of the noggin is a tricky one to picture. In my imagination the momentum either topples the guy over or he somehow headbutts himself in the gonads
  13. That was it. I remember watching it live thinking we've found some player here. Then he left
  14. I can explain the point im making more simply for you as you seem a bit lost... One kid thrown in at the deepend trying to do their job: must be protected if they underperform. Another kid thrown in at the deep end trying to do their job: worthy of criticism if they underperform. I'll leave it there
  15. You are all right. I've spent my life a big wokey softy. Time to toughen up. From now on I will boo any youth academy debutant who doesn't beat the first man from a corner. Its their job after all to take good corners. Oh no hang on, thats not allowed because they are, like the journalists posing poor questions, young and inexperienced. Big Nige told us to be patient with the young players. I guess i'll stay wokey then and keep quiet when the younguns underperform
  16. "Aren't worthy" haha. Was the question really that bad??
  17. He's paid very handsomely and doing the press rounds is part of the job. Like to think i'd show a bit more grace. I get asked dumb questions at work all the time!
  18. Still an unnecessarily prickly bastard at times
  19. Exactly! Each time we go on a good run I tell myself this time feels different, something great is brewing. And then the bad run kicks in. This time feels different though! Haha
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