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Everything posted by northsomersetred

  1. https://www.bristolworld.com/news/huge-bristol-wickes-store-to-permanently-close-within-days-4528034
  2. On me 'ed son!! It didn't hurt, honest!!
  3. Sad, but what else would you expect https://www.facebook.com/reel/409524751518295
  4. There is a positive out of this, she is more than likely going to endorse the Democrats, this will hopefully mobilise youngsters to get out and vote and hopefully we wont see the return of Trump. My daughter has shown an interest since she was old enough, she's now 16, always followed the Dolphins then boom! Swift comes along and she loves the Chiefs More than likely the same reason the NFL took 58yrs to hold a game there, Mob influence, bribery and betting. Hopefully those days are long gone.
  5. Yes he did. During the game winning drive there was a TV timeout, apparently Montana whilst waiting for the game to restart spotted Candy in the stands and pointed him out to the rest of the team
  6. Anybody know/remember the link between this photo and my previous photo?
  7. The 49ers had their championship against the Lions, peaked to soon. Chiefs by 14. And you cant beat real grass fields Not how the NFL want their prize game shown/remembered
  8. George Ford, one lucky player.
  9. Opening game at the Azteca Stadium and the final at the MetLife Stadium.
  10. This could get interesting if Tucker kicks the game winning FG
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