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Everything posted by Stortz

  1. Okolie is one terrible dirty bastard.
  2. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssssssssssssssss let's go cbs edit- wood walking with the sombrero Lara gave him
  3. Glass eyes across the country are slipping into sweet oblivion.
  4. Sam is so f******g thick it defies belief haha, I see why Barry loves him.
  5. Yeah, it's shit- egos over anything else. Would love to see CBS win tonight but totally prepared for the Okolie grabfest- he's effective even though it's terrible to watch. I'm genuinely concerned for Wood in with a massively inflated Lara. Balls of steel from Leigh, nobody would have blamed him for pulling out, Sam Eggignton on Sky now, I hoped he'd retired tbh.
  7. Don't know mate, I don't think so, just a a percentage of his purse will go to Wood. It's a serious weight advantage at FW eh- It seems a bit peverse that in order to protect Lara from a dangerous weight cut the board are putting Wood in far more danger in the fight. Lara is pissed right off with the BBBoC for not even letting him attempt the weight though which I get- but his team knew the check weights would be imposed well in advance.
  8. The BBBofC forbade Lara from dropping below 128.5 after the check weight, so he clearly didn't even try to get close to it. He had chilling power at the actual weight, Wood will need to be a lot more alert than the first time out.
  9. Loads of very close rounds but I agree that it wasn't a robbery--although one card was a bit wild. No idea why Loma took the 12th off, it was bizarre. A great high level, technical fight. Lara Wood 2 is the one for me mate- but yes, fights galore! Would love it if CBS beat the Octokolie too.
  10. The 7th wasn't anything like close, Cameron dominated it. How the middle judge has given that to Katie is a mystery. Seems reasonable mate haha
  11. It's bizarre really, I've never met you, but I was delighted for you haha. Eddie says different but let's see in the cold light of day!
  12. Not sure Katie's team will fancy this one again, Cameron was far too strong and was entirely prepared to walk through Taylor's shots to get to her.
  13. Have you sobered up yet mate?!
  14. Fair play. No idea where that 95-95 came from.
  15. 97—93 great work Cameron. Edit- it's going to be a draw isn't it
  16. 4-1 Cameron for me after 5. She's too big and too good.
  17. Taylor is fighting Cameron"s fight. Chantelle doesn't respect Katie's power at all.
  18. Here you go mate https://fc.freestreams-live1.tv/box04/
  19. Wood showed the blueprint to beat him right up until he got ktfo. If the fight had gone on another round or 2 Lara would have gassed badly imo. So excited for this fight tonight, let's gooo!
  20. Big up Felix Jnr, Mexican demolition job derails the lanky hype train!
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