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Everything posted by Stortz

  1. No-one wants the Good boy mate! Zoltan Tete looks awesome. His ko of Butler was special.Lee Haskins is going to have to fight him or vacate.
  2. Postol Crawford could be a stone cold classic. Agreed on Bellew, Haye would smash him to bits, even in the big boy's nappy he was sporting against that tomato can on Dave! Haye is far too fast, Bellew wouldn't know wtf had hit him.
  3. I think it was a mix of an obsession with the Khan fight and Hearn aiming a bit high for opponents given Brook's non-existent profile in the US rather than being over-protective. The fights have been mandatory defences but deeply uninspiring ones! I do believe Brook would beat Khan fairly handily if they do ever fight. I think Khan sees it as a cashing out fight that will always be there, even if he loses to Garcia or whoever again first.
  4. Looks like Brook v Jessie Vargas is on for 27/8 or 3/9 at Bramall Lane. It's costing Eddie Hearn $1.7m to get Vargas over here. A bit more like the level Kell should be fighting at, his last 3 fights have been a waste of time- particularly as he beat a very dangerous Porter for the title. Dan, Gavin and Bizier ffs!
  5. Ye gods! Thought Bellew was in trouble then too!
  6. Makabu looks monstrous. Hope Bellew isn't out of his league here. He needs to channel Crolla!
  7. Ricky Burns 3 weight world champ, fair play to him. It was an outside the kebab house ko!
  8. Bank holiday Monday the next day. Poor Limond took a hiding there, the ref did him a favour
  9. Ooh, a boxing thread! Benn evidently enjoys a tear up! Bit slappy with his punches at times though. He looked a class above when he actually boxed.
  10. You really are the most abhorrent of cretins. It's always sad to see an unarmed person entering into a battle of wits.
  11. Great minds thinking alike, Son of Nob!
  12. Have you got nothing else to do? The majority of Gas posting on here are half sensible and make a contribution. You are just a ******** who was too ashamed to admit who he supported (understandable) and spend your entire time spouting shite. Do one.
  13. Unfortunately you are in a tiny minority. The vast majority of your fans are literally obsessed with attendances and are forever telling us how shit our support is compared to their magnificent fans who are more fervent, passionate and loyal than any other fans in the world. Sell your effing ground out for a vital promotion game then, or stfu about it!
  14. But they need to save their pennies! It is TWENTY WHOLE POUNDS to stand on their little terrace!
  15. Agree with much of what you've said and Hello and our other pet Gas on here aren't too ridiculous. My point is that instead of being happy with the possibility of a 20k stadium, a fair proportion of them suddenly start talking about 30k or 35k capacities. It's just classic Gas delusion. And I've read all the excuses about why you haven't sold out tomorrow @Hello. Whichever way you dress it up, not selling out a sub 11k hovel for this game is more than a bit embarrassing. Especially given how much the majority of your fans bang on endlessly about how well supported you are.
  16. They've still not sold out their squalid dump for the biggest game of their season so far tomorrow and you see them chatting about 35k capacity stadiums. Bewildering.
  17. Good afternoon Saggy As you're rating our forum, check out this thread, it's a cracker! Page 33 is particularly fantastic. Enjoy, we certainly did ! I shall bid you good day.
  18. Never thought it before the last couple of weeks. Whatever mate, it's only my opinion. Bye!
  19. [quot name="Aizoon" post="2175772" timestamp="1422188111"] Sure he's not a Wham with a nosebleed?
  20. just spotted someone wearing a half and half City and West Ham scarf. The horror. The horror.
  21. Here is an example of your typical Swindon fan. Shame you didn't run down your mum's leg pal. Did anyone else see their 'mob' of 16 year olds hanging around safely behind the police outside someones' front room near the cricket club? Pitiful display.
  22. He is on here when they are shit and has taken a load of flack in the past, i can't deny him his bit of enjoyment today. He would have to have the sensibilities of Ghandi not to enjoy their result on here tonight!
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