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Everything posted by alexukhc

  1. Remember suggesting him on here, I got pelted, what a player he was for us
  2. Better than Max, well Max from Max and Paddy
  3. Can’t wait for his birthday lap of honour
  4. Yes a friendly close to home for me
  5. Just beat a European cup winner, only won it last year a well…
  6. Brian Tinnion and Darren Barnard played for Aldershot
  7. Tbh Aldershot have a lovely little set up from academy up
  8. Exactly what I did at West Ham, be fine, have no worries
  9. Will keep refreshing the page then if that’s the case
  10. I’m not allowed anymore reactions today, but.. ahahahahahahahahahahaha
  11. I know he’s ex sag now but during the game I received a notification, was a pic I commented on 7 years ago if Bradley Orr
  12. Let’s be aving’ you! play up canaries, smash them rats, make my week even better
  13. Honestly, if we lived closer and cost of trains didn’t cost an arm and a leg I truly would. Tbh, the amount I spend on shit activities alone might balance it out, god its food for thought
  14. I love how Williams is getting in faces a lot lately, but won’t get away with it forever.. new contract please
  15. Watched with my lad on the box, his 3rd game watching a full 90 with us and we’ve won 3, Tommy Conway has scored in each and at the end of the game he declared his love for him Rather we smashed the league but I’ll take beating West Ham any day. I hate this club at times, disliked football but not tonight, lost a lot of love for it the last couple years but it’s creeping back and soz mentioning my lad again, him asking him to wear his City kit over his Chelsea kit(in laws, don’t ask) I remember being a young lad again, falling asleep in my City Kit, loving Junior Bent. I never gave it up but the hearts coming back. anyway can’t wait to lose against Watford on Saturday, party on
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