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Everything posted by alexukhc

  1. Awesome, sounds good pal yeah London games are good, just getting priority as most sell out to season ticket holders which I get but all groovy, got my RobinsTV pass and chances will happen to see City, happy days
  2. Just got my ticket thank you very much@The Enormous Turnip, first game of the season, being where I am I’m a bit exiled, still on the look at for fellow reds from close to here(Basingstoke) who go up regularly to get along with, beers n such
  3. Imagine thinking Scott Murray was a problem
  4. Saw his first game for England v Denmark 95, my fave England manager n team is the Euro 96 squad in my lifetime
  5. Do you have the single one still going? sent you a message
  6. Good for mushrooms too Literally great minds
  7. Maybe he read OTIB and saw everyone said he wasn’t smiling and wants to prove the doubters wrong
  8. Scott Murray’s lad is now there too along with Andy’s son I think
  9. Scott Partridge, girls loved him but wasn’t great was he?
  10. Dean Green in goal? Pissing down Christmas steps wasn’t it?
  11. Good bloke, hard read, as a parent this is every parents nightmare, wish him well at Cheltenham
  12. Smile on his face says it all!! Well done Sammy
  13. Could be worse could be Welsh
  14. Sorry to break it to you guys and girls, but we ain’t gonna win the World Cup
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