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Everything posted by alexukhc

  1. All kicking off in Paddington with Reading fans
  2. Can I ask them, if they took Ashton Gate from us? How it would look now?
  3. They signed 2 keepers on the same day a couple weeks ago
  4. Moved house more time than the sags, but he's never owned a home
  5. Red Tomatoes? We'll only get blamed saying they was dressed in City colours
  6. I hope Luke James scores 100 this year
  7. 200k oh no that's what we got Matty for
  8. Was thinking earlier does Steve even have any grandkids?
  9. Cor I didn't know Jay from Inbetweeners was a gashead
  10. Other than a quick trip to Newport, Cardiff, Wrexham or Swansea. Have they ever played abroad?
  11. I like the bit about our "almost finished stadium" what do you have? you ******* muppets!
  12. Didn't they get 10 million for Matty? Oh yeah that's right it was 200k ******* gutted wankstains
  13. I heard from a gas mate about Ricky Miller even though he's just joined Peterborough on a free, the sags made a bid for him as soon as he signed the contract, they're that desperate for him
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