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Everything posted by alexukhc

  1. Had her just like I did Haldane's sister
  2. Why are they still playing in a training kit?
  3. What's going on with Matty Taylor then?
  4. How thoughtful of them, only 5minutes ago they wanted to flow the ground for a fiver and get rid of everything the ground stands for, fickle twerps
  5. Can we have her back already please?
  6. at them young gasheads, if any of they want some, send them my way, I will use a weapon of laughing at them little hard nuts, little *******
  7. Just heard they are now the 10th richest club in England....
  8. I think the sags were very very lucky, to have escaped the play offs to clinch the THIRD auto spot(wtf is that) recent crowd spoils etc etc as for Stanley, that goal on half time is so unlucky, fair enough but something still doesn't settle with me about this all
  9. What's going on? I'm drunk already
  10. Yep, home time now though!! Hope you've all had a nice anniversary on this special day
  11. Dopey becomes a mathematical genius http://m.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/36103711
  12. Still hope they **** it up, but they are having a very good season. Grr
  13. Looking at the table if Rovers fail the top 3 route, a game against Wycombe could be on the cards in the play offs, how exciting... anyway well done John Joe o'Toole for winning a promotion medal against the gas
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