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Everything posted by AshtonGreat

  1. That's a fair enough point of view Dave. I'm divided really - in some ways I think it would've been amiss to play matches tomorrow, but in other ways I think the postponements could've been restricted to the funeral weekend. As a football fan, I'm disappointed there won't be any this weekend (I also hate international breaks!), but I'm not surprised or annoyed. Fair comment
  2. Well, I was talking about individuals really. If half City fans felt it right to postpone the game and half were up in arms about it. You're never going to please everyone
  3. I don't think it's that. It's more symbolic really, as sport and football in particular is such a big deal. Someone earlier mentioned that it wasn't fair on 18 year olds flipping burgers. Well, chances are that if they were given time off, they wouldn't get paid
  4. I'm curious to know your solution then. If half the people wanted it to go ahead and half the people didn't, what's the answer? In my view, it comes down to what the organisers want to do, and they've made their decision
  5. Maybe the league wanted a period of quiet contemplation
  6. It's obviously disappointing but it's inevitable. And it's only one game
  7. I'm actually quite surprised that anyone's surprised that they've postponed this weekend's games. Surely after the death of a Monarch who's served the country for 70 years, it was virtually a certainty?
  8. Well it is borderline racist. It doesn't even make much sense
  9. Really sorry to hear that mate. All the best
  10. That doesn't sound particularly fair
  11. It's not as if there's anything especially Bristolian about Bristol City these days
  12. Always nice to see Liverpool lose!
  13. Well if Holden did then Pearson has too
  14. 'Clearing out the dead wood' - which usually involves selling most of the squad that the previous manager has spent the past four years building
  15. I'm not sure Pochettino is all that really
  16. We know he's capable though as he's had very good games. So is it the way he's being coached (or not being coached)?
  17. I think the powers that be will give him the chop if things don't change before Christmas. But that's still a long way away
  18. They should've put an old episode of Going for Gold on after the finale, just for old time's sake
  19. Was that 10 million at 1.30 and then the same 10 million watching it again at 5.30? ?
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