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Major Isewater

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Everything posted by Major Isewater

  1. Perhaps SC needs a bit of help? did n't he have a guy come in at Forest who gave them a boost ?.
  2. Genuine question Rich ,worse than under SOD ?
  3. "home time" how sweet Rich ,have n't heard that since i was at school in the last century.
  4. they could just piss right off instead,the number of weekends they ruined for us ;
  5. he's just checking that the board really did give him a 3 and a half year contract. I expect he's rocking with laughter inside.
  6. it's what they do if the Bentley's at the garage.
  7. noone on there either! did i say it's raining here ?
  8. Keep it somewhere dry,you never know when you might need it .
  9. might just nip over to Faceachebook if noone's on here !
  10. the sun ain't gonna shine any more.
  11. It's not what you got but what you do with it that counts.
  12. right i'm settled now . Ok lads you can start scoring now,JET ,Balders are you listening ?
  13. i thought we were playing Carl Leslie !
  14. don't you come on here with your positivity your Dictatorness ,you'll throw your stalker into confusion and ultimate madness.
  15. It does n't matter what anyone else does,if we don't pick up points we are royally and deservedly furked . So a little credit where it's due for Oldham and little Lee is not to be begrudged is it ?
  16. i i saw the team sheet i was concerned that we seemed to be crap,sorry that we seemed unbalanced and just wanted to throw the big lads in as a damage restriction exercise.
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