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Major Isewater

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Everything posted by Major Isewater

  1. thanks TFR that's really kind but are they Cakes ? or really biscuits in disguise ?
  2. looks a pretty open game , is Leon Legge related to Tony Foot ?
  3. we can only prove you wrong if we come round to yours and you're out.
  4. i'm sure Frankie will take it with both hands... and then drop it at the feet of the fleet footed Akinflattenya !
  5. When the great cultures of the world drown under the seas, When the earths very core spews angry molten lava, When this mighty planet stops spinning and tears itself apart to be cast into the dark unending universe, This fu cking thread will still be going .... Aaaaarghhhh ! Enough you guys.
  6. Top ,top post bravo . It must have taken you since Saturday to write it ;0)
  7. I can't believe this thread is still going. Some one shoot it ,for pity's sake.It's like ground hog day !
  8. it really is so surprising ,considering the results and performances , that many people ,myself included,feel uncomfortable with the whole sacking of SOD and hiring of SC fiasco.
  9. don't forget the armwaving and passion.
  10. i thought a little bit of fine tuning after SOD and we would start to get the results. SC has just ripped it all up and started again .Groundhog day, journey men ,constant formation and personnel changes. Still at least he believes he's a winner .Now proove it Mr C.
  11. Sorry KB ,it was just a nod towards your avatar . Have a good rest of the week-end If you can !
  12. F uck ,why do i feel the need to defend SOD. May be because despite the terrible results under him I am sure he would have got us where we want to be in time.His problem was that the board who hired him,did n't actually like him ( evidently they thought he was a 'cheeky chappy' ) he obviously changed his personality overnight. No one wanted to hear the truth when he spoke and if he lacked charisma and diplomacy at least he knew something about football and how to get teams promoted from this division. He was ,iMHO ,let down by the board who told him to reduce the wage bill and left him high and dry when he needed their support. i am really fed up with all this.
  13. The good thing is that i could save my marriage by actually doing something with the woman i love rather than being stuck in front of my pc suffering with you guys.
  14. That's just the sort of attitude we don't need . Why can't we beat a team who are close to us in the same division.? We should expect be able to beat anyone in this league. and, sorry,no,what's killing us is us .
  15. Ha oh yeah and Ha. My sides are splitting.You really are a comic genius Es.
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