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Major Isewater

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Everything posted by Major Isewater

  1. according to the genius commentator on RB 3 points today would be very important to both sides. Oh how i've missed this incisive analysis.
  2. the story of our season so far is 'missed chances' and 'slack defending'
  3. If Mrs Bung is giving ar Es dogfood "shepherd's pie" ... no let's not go there ... or in Mrs B's handbag
  4. there are some bizarre things happening ,last week i jokingly started a post on saying ' i'll close my eyes and when i open them there had better be a city goal' and Gillett scored whilst i was typing it ! This calls for Mulder and Scully music.
  5. he did n't celebrate ,that obviously means he does n't care for the club .He should kiss the badge at very least.
  6. Re-signed for "Player" ,regretting it already after 5 minutes,what a load of old drivel !
  7. i must say i would favour us for a win as the Shrews look out numbered !
  8. in those day's of black and white football ,we had no need for a team line up ,we knew it by heart !
  9. Cunningham not in the starting line up ! Has he farted in Cott's general direction ?
  10. this result means we are 3 points behind the Gills ,are they nervous ? bleedin hope so !
  11. Not all the time young man,i don't think we can really compare Cotts with Cloughie
  12. i have said before ,he has a 'grasshopper' mind but i really don't care any more for the words it's the performances i want to see .
  13. Bingo, there it is ,A 'poor second half' ,why can't Cotterill get his team to play for more than 45 mins ? here you go any one who likes a moan .
  14. It worked again but i found Rhianna and Shakira writhing about in the nuddy in my living room and they ever so slightly distracted me from posting. Well done to all today ,can't wait for the after match interview
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