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Everything posted by RumRed

  1. Training grounds and academies share the same professionalism to be fair... They may have splashed out on the laminator to protect DC's monthly copy of horse and hound of course.
  2. Sounds a perfect night (result dependent)! i think Southern Rail may put the kybish on that one though! hope you have a good evening
  3. Any City fans meeting up in Brighton and hove to watch? Trying to decide whether to pub it or buy the NOWTV day pass thingamajig.
  4. He comes across well in the article to be fair, as foreign owners go he does seem to be likeable and not a Tann type character. Will be interesting to see what happens when Darryl does get poached though.
  5. Yep, but with an electronic collar that LJ has control of so he doesn't mouth off so much with any luck.
  6. Agree, something that lot would do. Unless he was a very naughty in a post I missed.
  7. Only you it seems. Factual post and you bring extremism into it? Shame on you
  8. That Jordan has its problems? Maybe suggesting that if you can be killed for a satirical facebook post then perhaps your owner would be wise not to be seen being carried down the road by a bunch of pissed up Rovers fans? I have no idea, but I think the political situation in your owners country where they have their bank maybe vaguely interesting.
  9. I have no idea of what Zippy was doing but it was you that linked it to extremism.
  10. And that's why mummy told you to be better than the other boys, you might actually be able to take the high ground in future.
  11. Oh ffs. I couldn't have made my point much clearer. But if you are more interested in taking the piss than anything else knock yourself out.
  12. In fact I'll go further. Those taking the piss out of people not turning up to a rearranged match, that cost the same or more as the original match and who don't want to give the %##% in charge of Swindon money really need to think about things. Do you want to take the piss or do something about it? After the banner at the gate and then this pointless piss taking I don't get it. if you want to make changes to football we should work together, in the perfect world of protesting there should have been 0 rovers fans tonight and the blokes holding up the 'fans not customers' banner at AG should have kept their powder dry and actually made a statement somewhere where it meant something. Rival fans protesting on behalf of others, might make the news. Bit stronger than standing in your own, new multi million poundground, willy waving to no one who cares.
  13. To be fair I'd ridicule those there, the ones that boycotted should be applauded. I'm all for taking the mick but this really isn't the match to do it.
  14. From the article linked "Following consecutive promotions from Conference Premiership and League 2, the club was taken over by the Al Qadi family in February this year, and has since enjoyed an impressive third promotion into League 1. With the team performing well on the pitch the demand for tickets is up and the new owners have invested in upgrading the aging ground." Third promotion, did I miss something?
  15. Thought it was 'that' game on the TV for a minute but got my shorts/top colours mixed up. bugger
  16. Foam hands. they make me so depressed I can't even bring myself to come up with a joke.
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