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joe jordans teeth

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Everything posted by joe jordans teeth

  1. Dazn going up to £7.99 a month at the end of September,back to crackstreams for me
  2. You can tell he’s a bright,intelligent lad and his parents deserve credit for bringing him up well and I have never met him,as for when it comes to football he will have a good career but don’t think he’s good enough for us personally
  3. We shouldn’t take joy in others misfortune but this is effing funny
  4. Like @And Its Smith said mate,I was just being a bit negative,sing loud and sing proud mate
  5. Wish you would be bloody silent ?
  6. Let’s see what absolute cheese someone comes up with for King,because if he doesn’t have us chanting his name he won’t be up for it
  7. Hate to break it to you but people do,it’s a soundbite to make us feel involved
  8. Why did you turn South African trying to say 8 hours,as for your last sentence I totally agree,just forcing chants on a forum is a no for me
  9. I don’t know what job you do but let’s say you work in a office,would people outside the building chanting your name make you do a better job,if so you are a lazy git to start with,always give 100%
  10. It is mate isn’t it,not sure about Laura woods presenting though,she seems clueless upto the woman who does the Sky boxing
  11. Now he’s out in America training with virgil I fully expect him to meet his potential
  12. He beat rank average British fighters mate,if buatsi wants world titles in the next 2 years he needs to be beating this level of fighter with ease
  13. Should hope so,this lad isn’t up to much
  14. Evening all,hope life is treating you well,apart from city of course
  15. Then why bring him on,it’s about winning games and he is our best centre back so he starts
  16. Think we all knew it was going to be tough which why personally can take it as it comes now,if there isn’t one worse team than us so be it
  17. Only if you say who the players are,which you need to be fact otherwise you are boris Johnson
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