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joe jordans teeth

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Everything posted by joe jordans teeth

  1. He isn’t happy with Tyson,sounds like they have had a falling out
  2. Haney lineras tonight should be a good one,expect a Haney stoppage
  3. Cracking bout this Taylor is in trouble,can’t keep taking those body shots
  4. cheers bird,how many molinas have been boxers
  5. Spot on mate,few of my mates staying up to watch it,it’s a must not miss but guess if you are not a gobby git then the British public will not have a clue who you are
  6. Can’t wait for the fight tonight,should be a absolute belter,to close to call
  7. Joshua is just unloading,should get back to boxing
  8. Great comment,if you don’t think I hit hard enough then come and walk through me
  9. Funny enough they had canelo ahead but we expected that
  10. After Dubois carried on fighting for a couple of rounds then he’s bottled, @Stortzwill be fuming
  11. Got billy 1 up after 5,sauls 2 or 3 power spurts a round ain’t enough
  12. Quality walk in by billy joe ,doesn’t give a damn
  13. morning bird,I been up all night,good kip tomorrow
  14. Seen it all now,basically taking a dive in the ring
  15. Like super said you should storm league 1 or of course it could turn out to be a nightmare and you could end up mid table and end up playing us in 2 seasons at this rate ?
  16. Don’t often stay up to watch a fight at stupid o’clock anymore but will do this one,as much as billy can be a cock sometimes I really hope he beats the cheat um sorry dodgy meat eater
  17. I bloody bet they want a rematch now the belts are locked up,get the money in
  18. 116-111,was that Howard Foster again
  19. I agree have it by 2,big punches are eye catching but cleaner work by Parker
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