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Everything posted by ExiledAjax

  1. Depends on the dividend policy. Which won't be hard to find. It's a Cayman plc listed on the NYSE. The investor website will have the details of which shareholders get what dividends.
  2. And giving them careers that they otherwise would not have had. Producing players for our teams and for sale for big fees may be a primary aim, but in my opinion the club and academy should get some credit as well for those young people who go on to have good careers at other teams and in other divisions. JoJo Wollacott never played for our first team (although was on the bench a few times iirc) and left on a free. Perhaps a failure of the academy? I don't think so. He's gone on to a solid career, including 10 appearances for Ghana. So there's a 25 year old making a living that he might not otherwise have done, and it's down to our system plus his obvious hard work. Just one example, but there are others.
  3. Ours is bloody lovely. Average xG value per shot for 0.132 Average xG value per shot against 0.088
  4. I'd say that's exactly what we saw previously! Did he not seem to be permanently frustrated for the first 12 months of his tenure? I'd agree with him. I think last season we tried attack as the better form of defence and it kind of worked, but was rough and ready and not balanced correctly. A little out of control. This season feels better balanced and more controlled, both going forward and at the back. If this was his concept or vision all along then I can see why he's happier now than he he was back in March. As for it continuing, well I think we've played some fairly lacklustre opponents so far. I'll be surprised if any of the five we've played finish in the top 10. We've some big tests coming soon, and it will be exciting and interesting to see our style go up against some better teams.
  5. https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/12678534/nigel-pearson-very-positive-day-for-us
  6. Yeh, in general the scoring and conceding rates are at their best for a while. I'm encouraged as well that neither are wildly out of kilter with the xG numbers. We're outperforming our own xG slightly, but xGA is 5.6, and we've conceded 6 (one of which was Hull's non-penalty). So we're likely in a relatively fair position. Personally I'm keeping my feet on the ground a little, as I don't think any of the teams we've played so far will finish in the top 10 at the end of the season. I think we've lost 2, drawn 1 and won 2 against mid and lower table teams. That's ok, and we've largely played well and it's finally enjoyable and entertaining to watch us. But there are tougher tests to come. I'm still reckoning on mid-table as a fair finish bar any huge changes in personnel (either injury or transfer related).
  7. This was the starting XI from round 1 at Coventry (Burton). It produced some of our best football this season, and playing it arguably set up the fine league performances we've seen since. I think we'll see Pring, Wilson and King back in place of Dasilva, Williams and perhaps Scott. Klose could get a start...really any of the three CBs could have earned a rest. Up front I think he'll stick with Weimann, Wells and Conway in the hope of another early blitz to kill the game and then bring them off.
  8. Currently scoring at a higher rate than last season. We're on 1.4 goals per game right now. Last season's total was 1.35.
  9. We have to bear in mind as well that Weimann is in the deeper role that we saw on Tuesday and against Coventry. In those games we see his role is not only to support the strikers, but also to fill in when the wing backs push forwards. So it's not just Scott (or Dasilva if COD goes right) v COD, it's Scott + Weimann. I'd back Weimann to outrun, outlast, and outmuscle COD today, tomorrow, yesterday and every other day of every other week.
  10. Tanner will get a chance. Suspect he'll get some minutes at Wycombe. Has to make his claim when he can. If Scott is instructed to play RWB in the style of Sykes, then it's a very high RWB. Much more of the 'Wing" than the "Back". As such I think we'll have his dynamism and passing in midfield anyway, just offset to the side. He'll link well with Weimann and Conway, I've no real issue with his selection there. If it doesn't work, then we've 5 subs and two right sided players to change things with.
  11. Unchanged bar Scott to RWB and Williams in for Sykes. A penny for Wilson's thoughts.
  12. Cheers. I reckon Holden will be decent in the studio. I feel like I remember him doing one of our previous games.
  13. Just 4 wins though. Plus 2 postponements between them thanks to Coventry. They are performing slightly above the average for a promoted side, and much better than promoted sides in the past two seasons. Bigger surprise imo is the struggles of the relegated PL sides.
  14. Yeh autocorrect would probably ruin the poem if he tried that one.
  15. Does Ryan Giggs only know one word that begins with L?
  16. Yep, but we are 100% relying on the EFL allowing some of this. If they do not then we are in trouble.
  17. Yeh. I'm living near Leicester now. Anytime I mention I'm a City fan the first person they ask about is Pearson. He gets as much credit as Ranieri does for the Prem win.
  18. And I would, on the whole, concede that point to her. Regulation is traditionally not the concern of the Conservative party. But the counter is that the football market is broken. It's failed to regulate itself. A higher hand is needed to guide it. Whether she can understand that, or cares about, is up to her. I understand that to politicians this is, perhaps fairly, a niche issue when compared to climate change, war in Europe, national strikes, energy bills etc. However, none of her supporters will get a vote from me until they come out in support of enforced regulatory change in football. For me this is a ballot box issue.
  19. Or some relegation clauses. Wage (and bonus) reductions of circa 50% aren't unheard of. Players may also have clauses that compel the club to try and transfer them out upon relegation. We have hefty relegation and promotion clauses in our players' contracts that respectively give significant increases and reductions upon either event. Not all premier league teams have them, but I'd hope a newly promoted side are using them in any new contract.
  20. Just to pass on the following update from Fair Game. I agree with everything: There's been deathly silence on the much talked about ‘New Deal’ for football from the Premier League. At a Premier League shareholder meeting last week they were due to approve a plan to scrap the current parachute payments and replace them with a merit-based system where the higher up clubs in the EFL finish the more money they receive. To date there has been no announcement, which is a mixed blessing. The reported proposal is deeply flawed. The abolition of parachute payments would be welcomed, but the proposal fails to address the main cause of financial unsustainability - the endemic gambling culture that encourages clubs to spend more than they earn. Indeed the proposal will only serve to incentivise owners to spend more than the club can afford to finish higher up the table. But regardless, no new proposal - flawed or otherwise - has materialised and quite frankly the time is up. Repeatedly the football authorities have been warned by the Government that if they can't come to an agreement then the issue of financial flow would become part of the remit of a new independent regulator. At least three times the Government have set the authorities deadlines to reach a deal, and each time it has come and gone - the first in December and the latest just last month. The fear has to be that the Premier League is waiting for a minute to midnight before presenting a deal that will not hold up to scrutiny nor offer a realistic solution to the problems the game faces. But with little time to find an alternative it will be pushed through. That cannot be allowed to happen. This endless delaying and posturing has to end. Give the job of financial flow throughout the pyramid to an independent regulator that has the wider interests of the football ecosystem at its heart, not the 20 shareholders of the Premier League. What we do know is the White Paper on introducing an Independent Regulator in football is now due in October. We hope it contains robust proposals on how to address the financial flow and hopefully bring in the much-heralded Sustainability Index. We need your help to spread the message on social media. The dance is over. We need a commitment that the independent regulator will be in charge of football's financial flow. Call on your MP to ensure football's financial flow lies with an independent regulator.
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