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Everything posted by ExiledAjax

  1. I utterly do advocate euthanasia. I really hope it is an option for me when I reach that age.
  2. And I feel for you, but I trust you've enjoyed life on the whole and, when you do go you go with fond memories. That day will undoubtedly be sad for all who are close to you but it will come, as will my day, and as will everyone else's. My parents are in your age bracket and I have just spent the weekend with them. Naturally we discussed the current news. They both said they have had a wonderful life, are delighted to still be living it, but should the day that they die come soon they will depart this world in happiness and look forward to their next adventure. I told them I love them and we got on with the weekend with a pint in the pub. That is it. I'll miss them dearly when they do die but I'll remember them fondly and that's the sum of it. It sounds hard but in my mind it's an approach that is pragmatic, realistic and actually in many ways optimistic.
  3. Less than a Rovers home gate. Globally. The vast majority of whom are over 80 so would die within the next decade or so anyway. If we didn't have the communication technology we have now this would simply be a nasty flu season and there'd be a few mutterings of "some nasty bug going around". Nature presents a helping hand to an overpopulated and artificially aged world and we refuse it and allow it to drive an emotionally charged panic. Madness.
  4. From the Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/27/covid-19-what-we-know-and-do-not-know-about-the-coronavirus "The WHO says we still need more information about the severity of the disease. In China, where the vast majority of cases and deaths have so far occurred, we know that 81% of people have had only mild illness. Of the rest, 14% have severe disease, which may become pneumonia, and 5% have critical disease involving breathing problems and organ failure. The death rate has been estimated at between 2 and 4% in Wuhan, where the epidemic began, but only 0.7% in the rest of China. But we still do not know how many people are not being counted in these statistics, because they suffer only a sore throat and do not go to hospital. It is clear that those people with damaged or failing immune systems are most at risk. “Older people, and those with pre-existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes) appear to be more vulnerable,” says the WHO. But we do not know why children, who are very susceptible to some diseases, do not seem to be much affected by Covid-19." I think we'll be fine.
  5. Honestly. I have no idea why we waste all that money mate. Pretty clear we aren't going to agree on this. Essentially you're final paragraph sums it all up. On topic: of course we shouldn't cancel the league.
  6. Then whole thing is a pathetic overreaction to a necessary part of nature. Death rate for under 50's is 0.5%. The rate for healthy people is 0.9%. So the rate for those both healthy and under 50 is 0.45%. Can a global population of nearly 8billion survive that kind death rate? Of course it can. It needs it if anything.
  7. Cheers. As a bloke who's as tall as these lads I'm always impressed at how they move so quickly. They must all be 15 stone or more.
  8. What's the prediction. Also, I had a read around the competition - would it be fair to compare the BBL Cup to the League Cup in Football? Seems like there is another, older, knock out competition called the BBL Trophy that I presume is more prestigious?
  9. ExiledAjax


    Scaling the running back a bit tbh. Started back on the martial arts (did taekwondo for 6 years in my previous life) so trying to build that back up. Going to keep trying to get 10-15km per week though.
  10. ExiledAjax


    The 5am start was the least of my problems.
  11. ExiledAjax


    2:15 in the Cayman Islands half today. 20mins slower than Bristol last year but it is about 24 degrees though, even at 5am. @One Team In Keynsham knows.
  12. Desperate, a desperate attempt to get some of what FGR, Torquay, Oxford, Coventry, Cheltenham and the others are enjoying. He's quite wrong that we need a close L1 club to loan to - Coventry and Oxford are close enough. Add to that that currently the top half in L2 includes FGR, Exeter, Plymouth, Newport, and Cheltenham (I'm discounting Swindon for obvious reasons) and we are not starved of good quality local clubs to loan players to.
  13. No one likes us and we don't care.
  14. ExiledAjax


    Dunno if you're on Island atm: we've had a "cold" front blow in. Meant I could do 4 miles last night in low 20's heat. Beautiful, just beautiful. The first run I've actually enjoyed out here since I moved. Managed to do negative splits as well, last mile was an 8:45 which I know is far from lightning quick but I am genuinely over the moon about.
  15. Let's be fair and look at %Full figures. We are, on average, filling 81.2% of our seats...the Gas are on 59.9% of their seats...sorry 59.9% of their allocated standing positions.
  16. Do you think he knows who sold them their "big" screen?
  17. Yeh I knew he'd left us for FGR. Just hadn't kept tabs on him to know he was on loan at Bromley. Hope he has a good game!
  18. Am I correct that McCoulsky is currently on loan at Bromley? This tweet from September suggests he is but I can't see it confirmed anywhere.
  19. I think he is trying to say that because some of his "opinions" on football are more or less correct then his "opinion" that the Gas are bigger than Preston North End must also be correct. It's so flawed that it doesn't even deserve the term logic.
  20. Ok, we can all have a laugh at this but be fair to the bloke: in certain seasons Arsenal have definitely been the best team in London. Other than that, if I were the word "opinion" I'd be heading round this guy's house to explain to him exactly what I mean and exactly how I should be used.
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