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Everything posted by ExiledAjax

  1. True. Having said that I just read this: Are we able to blame the ECB for depriving us of Jack Leach's glasses?
  2. Abell gone lbw to Maharaj. Is getting all out for 199 in the first innings when you were doing so well to recover the most Somerset thing to have happened?
  3. As (Sir) Geoffrey always says - don't judge a score until both teams have batted.
  4. Peak, and I mean PEAK "I've had a pint or three and my lawyer's gone to bed so let's just attack the keyboard" chairman's statement. I mean really, given the situation, take the WordPress password off of the guy. Honestly the utter state of this.
  5. It is going to be a special day when one or both of Bury and Bolton go above them.
  6. Whatever the result. Banton should be banned for this filth.
  7. I absolutely love a direct, unedited and unreviewed statement from a lower league chairman. To clarify - I have sympathy for Bury. Dale's statement, if true, suggests that he and the club have complied with the EFL's demands and been met with a very 'by the book' response. However, I would still urge him to get someone with a basic grasp of grammar to proof-read his statement before he publishes it.
  8. Does rather skew the L1 relegation competition this season doesn't it.
  9. Yep, and Leeds just managed to play two on the same day and in different countries.
  10. Maybe we could send the U12s? Might give them a better game.
  11. They'll even struggle in 5-a-side PowerLeague without subs.
  12. The Toilet's Opposite Stand at Champion Hill is, in my opinion, one of the greatest stands in the country.
  13. When I moved to London I went to Dulwich Hamlet games despite living closer to Fulham, Chelsea, and even Wimbledon. Dulwich are vastly inferior to those teams and their ground is barely better than the Mem (although there aren't any tents). Why did I go? It was £8 and you could drink whilst watching the game. Would I ever have said Dulwich were a bigger club than the ones mentioned above? Absolutely not.
  14. Surely about to suffer a double relegation down to L2 unless a miracle happens. Real shame.
  15. A bug bear of mine as well. Why must every male sporting tradition, from the Tour de France to the Open suddenly open its doors and fund, timetable, promote, and generally run an equivalent competition for female competitors? Why don't female sports want to establish their own traditions, history and heroics? With the Ashes it is a particular mockery of the Women's game that they play a twisted pastiche of the men's competition. It's the "Women's Ashes" in name (and marketing) only.
  16. The quote is "We originally had a local training camp in the pipeline, but for reasons out of our control, that environment wasn’t right" so as much as I'd love to laugh at the gas not having their own training ground it looks as though he is referring to another training facility where they had originally hoped to hold their pre-season training camp. Perhaps it was high tide on Weston beach so they couldn't train there?
  17. Utter madness. Wasn't checking my phone as assumed it was raining, jumped on twitter half an hour ago and everything on my feed was a wicket. Madness. Very good win given the way the rest of the matches have/are panning out.
  18. Ah right. Am at work so no can do.
  19. Is this simply some proper cricket? A match in which batsmen are having to defend their wicket before worrying about scoring runs. Has T20 and it's knock-on effects across the one day and four day came created expectations of strike rates in the 90s and 200 run sessions as the norm?
  20. Yes, or I may borrow a friend's sky log in and attend via the nation of VPN.
  21. Does anyone know if the final tomorrow is being streamed on Somerset's youtube? I think it's on Sky in the UK but not sure if it's available abroad? Edit. Seems to be sportsmax showing it here. Might phone around some bars...although 5am start is punchy.
  22. First thing I thought of doing...as a Gashead said to his sister.
  23. Win two of those and it's on? Or more important to just not lose them?
  24. Apologies. I just got Groenwald out in the same way.
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