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Everything posted by supercidered

  1. Asset stripper.... such as? Some plastic garden chairs, 5 man tents and a grotto
  2. Ruthless-darrell-clarke-challenges-bristol-rovers-players-to-keep-pace-with-championship ambition i just read the above on the BP website and spat my tea over the laptop. What a numpty this bloke is. Mind you the blue few will no doubt lap it all up and believe it. Delusional at best!
  3. The more I see the photo the more I laugh. Its just pathetic and proper sad!
  4. Its more like erect rather than build.... you erect a tent not build one!
  5. The Tent End. Now that made I laugh.... The gift ...
  6. I can't believe that is a new stand? I am actually embarrassed just looking at it! Some poor f@cker has had to take their staple gun and put that thing together. Gonna be carnage when it rains.... The club is total muppetry!
  7. I thought you were a Bruce Lee / Chuck Norris type martial arts instructor? How can you be bored?
  8. 2 promotions and 1 relegation = 1 promotion net. Easily pleased.
  9. Sorry.... I tried to think of something else but in the end it summed you up perfectly.
  10. We've got more chance of signing him to play!
  11. Of course we would love Moyes to come here or Di Matteo and the other big names. They just won't come here. We can't attract a kid from Bolton ffs and we need to dig in and fight and we need someone who will squeeze every last point out this threadbare squad and bring in some tried and trusted experienced battlers.... even if it is for the short term.
  12. A well written piece in my opinion. Not sure I agree with it but that's what a forum is for. I think we need to be brave and pick a real battle hardened manager. His remit is just to ensure we don't go down and give him a huge bonus / contract extension if he achieves it. I think and I hate myself for saying it but Warnock is an in the trenches sort who could just grind things out for us. Whats past is past and he has a house in the south west. Fancy football and formations is not what will keep us up. Giving away goals late in the game and a tiny tiring young squad will get us relegated whoever is in charge. Desperate times call for desperate measures!
  13. Most of the quotes are just bitter and twisted.... however, the 'our pitch is better than Wembley' quote is truly moronic!! FFS
  14. What a brilliant signing.... just what we need! i'm going today and hope he plays. Could be another Shaun Taylor?
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