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Everything posted by Coombsy

  1. Who is joey going to blame this week ?
  2. Who is joey going to blame this week ?
  3. Don’t forget the Big protest at the Memorial ground today some one on ass chat got a bed sheet and paint but don’t know what to write on it says it all
  4. Can not understand why they sold the best striker for 300k
  5. Now the fruit market has fallen through Bristol zoo now been mentioned ?
  6. Could it be be the rent not paid on the London office lease
  7. Very little cohesion to our play, thought we were poor in the final third. Charlton should have made the game safe second half but wasted good positions and missed a couple of sitters, their player who tripped himself up when facing an open goal did make me chuckle. In the end could have grabbed a point with Alfies header but not to be. Hope Nicholson don’t go to play for lee Johnson as rumoured
  8. You'll shut your ******* mouth and not bad mouth fans of 30 years....I am raging with you...******* dare to call me sh**...I have paid and followed this club all over the country and lady gardens like you bad mouth me My offer stands, my phone number or address, you are welcome to both...and then you can come back on here and tell the others if I am Gas... Family club?
  9. Paperwork in London office unable to travel to London because of lock down
  10. Bert tan how much do they pay for the London office ?
  11. 24 million in debt no training ground but they do have an office in London and a nice Watch cant be all bad can it?
  12. Never happen because of the gentleman agreement ?
  13. He bought the club because of the Sainsbury’s deal thinking they can make a quick buck they are also losing money because of the London Office no one knows why they need it for the club
  14. That’s why he don’t run a bank
  15. What it means it’s better to have one brother go bankrupt than both by cutting his losses now
  16. Just heard if the players have to stay at home they will only get statutory sick pay from the government
  17. I think the penny has probably dropped with Wael now and the talks he’s had so far has made him realise all that glistens is not gold. Unfortunately the vultures can pedal the Fruit Basket stadium or any other alternative until the ground collapses along with club.
  18. More the point what about the training ground ?
  19. Finding it hard to sale the club and get their money back will make a bit more if they sale the ground and share with bath city
  20. Will the last person out please close the door ?
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