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Everything posted by Coombsy

  1. A brave post - I can't argue with it. The honeymoon is long over DC it's all down to you to put it right. A bit of stability in team selection wouldn't go amiss. Only a few really know why the team wasn't strengthened where it should have been - there was plenty of time to do it - this isn't a hindsight statement. How much have we actually spent on getting players in since the end of January - I'd guess around £500k top. Take the £300k from the Taylor transfer and another circa £300k from the Chelsea match and we're still in credit - IMO I feel the supporters have been sold short in all honesty. The team is arguably weak in depth in all areas - back, middle and front. Cracks now showing
  2. Would be great if his dad did a blog after his last one when they got taken over
  3. They think weal a fan of rovers he don't care about them it's all about profit at the end of day the family will strip the club get as much out of it and sale when he was at London trying to find investors or a buyer their was no takers
  4. He is also wants to register as a player to fulfill his dream
  5. Sprinkles from heaven wetting the Walsall fans, then. Lucky for the gas heads weal invested heavily in water proof tents he a really nice man so nice he going to put his hand in his pocket and splash the cash he said today I am ready to invest I am going to buy a round of drinks for the board this will help with income Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/6735/weather#ixzz4sAMLY1VE
  6. Well I did actually, I was a happy clapper, but I'm afraid pulling out of the UWE, without a satisfactory detailed reason stinks to me, it was the way wael conveniently went quiet, right at the time of the pulling of the plug, then almost straight away starts talking about restructuring the mem which everyone knows will never happen (horfield rose, nymby mania, section 104's appeals etc etc, a new tent here, a new family temporary stand there, that's it folks, at best. im really disappointed with Wael et al, thought they were full of ideas and money, it appears they're full of sh*t. Although I agree with most of what you say, I think it's a bit early to write of Wael but actions speak much louder than words and we really need to see some of that right now. My heart says he's here to do good but my head and the charge against the mem say something completely different can't believe we going to court for not paying for the fence and over stuff. Wael need to put his money where his mouth is. Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/6730/wael-soccerex#ixzz4s1p3onTX
  7. He also said they will build at the UWE with Sainsbury money or not he just telling them what they want to hear
  8. His first tasks this Saturday will hopefully be as follows:1) Sample the finest quality cuisine of a pasty (ingredients unknown & cooked by nuclear fusion) followed by cheese and onion crisps and a twix all washed down with boiling hot Bovril to take the skin of the roof of your mouth.2) Visit the luxurious conveniences.3) Take a seat in one of the tent like scaffold like structures (aka a stand).4) Listen to our usual warm up music followed by bing bong man announcement etc.5) Sit back and enjoy the footie & unique atmosphere that is the fortress mem!Post match - write up report with 10 action point plan on how to improve the match day experience for fans and identity a shed load of opportunities to increase revenue in order to raise significant sums of dosh for the club as well as pay for his wage. Then quit
  9. about an hour ago Bamber Gasgroin said: In what way? Wael made some nebulous comments about 1 step forward and 4 back, but didn't say who caused the 4 backwards steps. UWE put out a statement which didn't align with what Rovers said, Wael didn't seem bothered enough about it to put the record straight. UWE made it clear that they were still willing to discuss the project, Hamer had said 'never say never', Wael said 'no'. Draw your own conclusions. Where are the BBC inteviews, or the Bristol Post interviews with some relevant person at UWE? Steve Hamer and Wael have been asked and interviewed about it. No one seems to have sought any info from UWE. All we have is tbeir statement that doesnt reconcile with Rovers version. UWEs role (wernt we supposed to be partners under Higgs originally) either seems to have been forgotten about or wilfully ignored IMO Regardless of the answers and what anyone beleives, Rovers are the only ones that have been asked any questions that i know off Maybe the difference is that UWE have publicly invited Rovers back to try to make the thing happen, and Wael has declined. In that situation it's probably Wael who has got off lightly by hiding behind confidentiality.I have to say, if UWE were being unreasonable and jeopardising the future of a FC that I owned I would be furious and would have been a bit more Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/6726/future-stadium-less-uwe#ixzz4refuySFB
  10. Gas chat back on now just taken a loan out against the mem ?
  11. Gas chat off line another bill not payed
  12. It's the links to company house shows the finance from the club
  14. Another manager in a long list who have been fed empty promises, fingers crossed that when he does go that the club have the sense to replace him with MS or CH.His article IMO screams of clearing the way for a move to an ambitious club and looking to leave this circus. Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/6715/top-6-budget#ixzz4rFlPpgAf
  15. Straight out of the horses mouth please excuse the pun. DC said in an interview We have had disappointing news about the stadium and the new training ground will need a hell of a lot of developing. Dont look to good bills not paid. They can't afford to pay for fences No money for players cant even replace the run down shed they use as a catering unit
  16. Try and be a better brother tell her about the horable little club in horfield And she should stay well clear of them just because the have tents and clowns it's not the circus she may think it is
  17. Not bad for some one who is dislex what your excuse ?
  18. Get Daily updates directly to your inbox + Subscribe FOR SALE. IT'S hardly in Roman Abramovich's league, but Bristol rovers ramshackle former ground could make some starry-eyed football fan's dream come true. The vacant 4.8-acre site based in horfield Bristol is due to go under the hammer at an auction in Easton later this month. Bidding is expected to start at around é750,000 but could rise to a cool é1million. The deal includes a run-down two-storey clubhouse complete with viewing balcony, two large tents changing rooms, function room with licensed lounge and dance floor, a floodlit, overgrown football pitch, an outdoor Christmas groto , a stand, ...and one turnstile! A fake sheak as known by the club fans owns the ground and it is currently on the market with Lets have a laugh estate agents Henbury gas Property Services. They say the deal offers "extensive potential subject to planning and building legislation". It is understood They have already turned down one offer for the ground from a local bisnesss manOpportunity good site to build a supper market ? Or a ruby ground only joking or am I ?
  19. So they had a plan b ? next sentence he said we will have to look into what can be done at the mem sound like plan b was an after thought
  20. How can they be so thick with one head. uwe fell through because of money or lack of it Wally don't have the millions people think, he got rovers because the family was told that Sainsbury would lose out in court. they are bank investors and this deal have back fired the charge against the mem is the family safety net. They can cash in and break even why do you think he was in London trying to sale or getting investors to help he keeps posting keep fath i am still committed ball s..... The family wants out. if he was why have he not come out of hiding and faced the fans he was happy to be carried down Gloucester Road. when all looked good. at least Steve l always face the music in good and bad times.
  21. RE - the bit in bold. The fear is based on the very clear fact that Dwayne Sports have placed a charge against the Mem. The spending we are seeing is not from the AQs injecting money that they are prepared to lose. At any point the debt can be called in, and that will leave the club homeless.I don't think fans are being weak for recognising this. I think we are realising that serious questions need to be askedWe as a fanbase can't afford to be apathetic. If the worse were to happen I couldn't sleep at night feeling I saw it coming but decided to say nothing in favour if "keeping the faith".EDIT: Probably worth saying I don't agree with the way many fans are expressing concern. We need to keep it respectable.
  22. They still think weal the best thing to happen to them he knew that rovers was going to pull out from UWE why have he not come out of hiding and sent hammer into the fireline also wait for the big news which will come out about companies having to take them to court for non payments etc fence for training ground and other stuff he came into this with no money and will be leaving with what he can get how lucky we have Steve
  23. ut think landsdown has been sniffing around this or will be prepared to jump in now it's all gone Pete tong, this is right up his Street being involved with the student population and UWE infrastructure, Bristol rugby need somewhere permanent to play plus the women's football team. Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/6614/oh-club-site#ixzz4onigyLQy
  24. If they couldn't do a deal with the UWE there's not a hope in hell they'll finance a new stadium on land that's not already presented to them on a silver platter. Personally, I've lost all trust in the ownership and won't be able to believe a word Wael and co. say going forward. All those stupid hope-building tweets 'watch this space' etc. No wonder he blushed with embarrassment back when he was persistently labelled by some as a billionaire. this is the first bit of bad news. why was in he in London trying to re croup his money
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