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Tin Soldier

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Posts posted by Tin Soldier

  1. 13 minutes ago, Galley is our king said:

    So that is a direct quote?

    Should be easy for you to find and add to your post.

    If you can't it's just bull sh*t

    Wrong! This is what Lansdown said.
    That was a quote from Lansdown, so stop posting bull sh*t. 

  2. 53 minutes ago, Edgy Red said:

    Something has to change... and quick.

    I know its easy to be overly pessimistic after a defeat (we suffer enough of them) but we are regressing at an alarming rate.

    I also don't agree that Pearson needs more time. He spent 2 million quid in the summer and brought in another 5 of his own free signings (Baker and Weimann included) so this squad should have enough of his stamp on it.

    I don't like knee jerk reactions but this is only going one way!

    Don’t think it is knee jerk. To be fair, the football has been shite for 2 seasons. Just gets worse. Hurting tonight.

    • Like 2
  3. Because I care for the club, this hurts.

    What I don’t care about is this Bristol Sport shite which has been detracting attention and focus away from the football club for some time now. Lansdown has taken us as far as he can. Now is the time for change IMO, albeit a gamble I know but SL has demonstrated on numerous  occasions that running a football club with his Board (joke), is beyond him.

    This hurts tonight.

    • Like 4
  4. There was a post on here somewhere that there were certain player/players bunking off last season. Sounds like a lazy culture still exists judging by the way some players are blowing out there arses in the 2nd half of every game this season. Think you can guess some of them judging by recent team selections etc.
    Lazy bastards.

  5. 1 hour ago, tin said:

    A relegation battle loomed before a ball was even kicked in anger for me, because I’m of the opinion a lot of players weren’t up to it and still aren’t.

    It all boils down to individual expectations and this current crop in the current financial climate has done nothing over the last 18 months and more to suggest 2021/22 will be anything else than a bottom-eight struggle. 

    Agreed, I stated this right at the start of the season, and was lambasted for it. Chickens ? are home to roost.

  6. Relying on points deductions to other clubs to ensure City stay up is just laughable. Lansdown FFS has had years to get his management team in place and just look at the mess he has created. Some on here need to wake up. Changing the manager will make no difference at all, probably nail us down to relegation. NP needs time to sort out the crap that still exists in the club (plenty to go yet). Then judge him. But give him a season at least.
    There will be plenty more Birmingham away shambles along the way, that is for sure.

    • Thanks 1
  7. To be fair, most sensible OTIBrs on here still support Nige P.
    We all get frustrated after another defeat but in the cold light of day, most fans will see that this shambles of a team are culminations of mistakes made prior to NP. Got to give him until the end of the season as too many players are just not Championship standard. 
    It is also becoming pretty obvious that a lot of players do not like the “three line whip” NP has installed.
    Fit in or **** off you lazy bastards.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, the1stknowle said:

    So you think if he sold Bristol City now he'd get over 150m quid? 

    With property investments, sporting/image rights, etc, he will probably get his money back.
    But can’t see him achieving that currently due to COVID etc. The financial impact of COVID etc is gonna cost him a few more millions soon.
    Also if his rumoured “control freak” approach to biz is right, then he is going to struggle to find a willing investor in the current climate. Think avoiding relegation will be paramount as his asset worth will drop if we get relegated.

  9. 2 hours ago, Major Isewater said:

    SL dropped hugely in my esteem after the infamous RB interview when he basically told the fans to shut the **** up because it was his money and his club. 

    Agreed, me too.
    Lansdown has manoeuvred himself into a win/win as whoever buys him out (if anyone does), will get his millions back with profit. The Bristol Sport concept protects his investment. Bristol City football club is just part of the bigger picture as far as Bristol Sport goes. Mind you, if you were SL, you would do the same as he is going to have to find another £30million+ soon I would imagine due to COVID and loss of £ income?

  10. 3 hours ago, Show Me The Money! said:

    I’m not going to join in with the Lansdown bashing as I think he has done more good than bad, but what does baffle me a little bit is why being an owner of a big investment company he hasn’t brought other investors in?

    You’d think he’d have some brilliant contacts who’d be interested in investing in the club

    Because Hargreaves was the brains behind the business, not Lansdown.

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Fordy62 said:

    Last night got me thinking. Who would I just not care about if I never saw them in a City shirt again? Well, here’s my list:

    Wells - he’s been a complete flop. And a very, very expensive one at that. 

    Martin - had some good little spells, but is quite evidently nearing the end of his career. Given that he wasn’t ever blessed with pace, a mid 30’s Martin who doesn’t win headers isn’t exactly an asset to anyone. 

    Dasilva - controversial one maybe this, but the excitement of the England U21 international was never realised and for me he gets beaten too easily. 

    COD - has never really delivered for us. I think he had a good 60 seconds once against Norwich. 

    Palmer - can’t be good if so many managers won’t pick him. God that’s another expensive one. 

    Bakinson - lollops around and is basically a walking liability. I know people say he had a good first half last night, but I didn’t see that, I saw far too many mistakes. 

    Simpson - what’s the point?

    Vyner - time after time not good enough. 

    Moore - see Vyner. 

    Pretty damning indictment of the squad for me and highlights just how big a task Nige has in front of him, although I accept I think he should be doing better.

    Anyone have any other ideas?


    Have to agree, Bakinson is a lazy donkey IMO. Drifts in and out of games all the time.

  12. 9 hours ago, Ivorguy said:

    But to pretty well nil effect

    With no Board worth the name

    With Bristol Sport

    and with snide comments about fans

    I for one have absolutely no patience left.  He simply isn’t good enough for The City


    The whole Bristol Sport idea was just a clever “accountants” pipe dream. I for one hate the Bristol Sport concept, too much distraction involved from other sports. It just dilutes and takes away the focus of Bristol City FC. Bristol Bears is now no.1 sport at AG.
    The concept was doomed to fail, backed up by totally ridiculous appointments at management level. Giving Ashton so much power was just crazy. I was slagged off about it years ago, well now the chickens have come home to roost. Shambolic. Which is why I am glad I didn’t get a ST this season. 
    This is not the Bristol City I have supported since the 80s. 

    • Like 3
  13. 15 hours ago, Hampshire reds said:

    For me super nige has to get a win on sat. another defeat and for me changes will be needed. only my opinion. the usual ones who dont have an opinion will be giving me stick for this post. It will be 18 games which is not good enough. believe it or not i want him to be good for city but so far it is not good enough. Or have i missed something 

    Attention seeking again. Boring.

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