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Everything posted by SimonR

  1. How about they head back to their heartland, tape off a bit of the Ikea carpark every other saturday? By the way what happens to a Club when they go into Administration, are they removed from the league if they cannot honour their financial responsibilities?
  2. No reports of Animal Assault last night suprisingly.
  3. The Mounted police need to try this when on duty at Chernobyl.
  4. To be fair Irene had already propositioned the Officer on the Horse, bit when the Horse turned her down too she just lost it.
  5. The way I always heard it away fans could just walk onto the tote end back then, the problem was catching the rapidly retreating sags.
  6. got to send this pic to a couple of gas mates.
  7. Maybe the gas have got a brainwashing department, there must be some explanation as to why they keep believing obvious lie after obvious lie. could be something they put in the pies...
  8. Spat Coffee over myself when I read that.
  9. Listening to the whole show now, perfect background as I hunt a new job :laugh:.
  10. @Cheesleysmate Thanks for posting those Clips man, made my Sunday morning!
  11. 20 thousand, are you including the invisible 17 thousand locked out in the Carpark?
  12. Would be rude not to offer them the same as their slide into oblivion gathers momentum.
  13. You must be Running a tab at the vets for all the tetanus shots he needs.
  14. Do we have to behave like pirates too? I only ask because I have no urge to Punch a Horse, and I cant stand my sister...
  15. You Forgot horse Punching Inbreeds mate!
  16. I am almost tempted to join sag chat, and just make the point that this the most obvious asset stripping since Donny Rovers almost went out of business. Sadly I would be immediately banned and (Correctly) called an "evil gurt ted" No helping these people... Anyway their delusions are not my problem.
  17. I dont think they can afford that much Lego. Thats got to be at least £50 worth, they can get a player for that.
  18. What new embarassments await them this week I wonder, My money is on a Labrador telling the Post that Darryl is the Father of her Puppies.
  19. Are we having a Birthday party for the Gap? Hire a Venue, get a big screen to show the Ancient footage of the last league meeting between us and the 15ers.
  20. What is with the majority of the Sags these days, have they been breeding with Ostriches? Would make a change from family members i suppose.
  21. So what exciting new cock ups have they made today? It has been over 24 hours since the announcement that the Pipe Dream Arena was a no go, surely they have some new comedy for us. I also notice @bluebutterfly has mysteriously gone quiet.
  22. Ungratefulness, to be expected from those horse punchers. Wonder what state the Gate would be in now if those Losers had stolen our ground back then. Bit like this im guessing.
  23. @bluebutterfly Every post on here is us laughing at you. The pathetic jealousy, your "billionaire" owner, your always playing the victim card. Most amusing of all of course is the "Family Club" Half our attendance and More Arrests than us (Fact). Now kindly go outside and play its just the start of your school holidays.
  24. Swiped this for a FB page im in, thanks @Ska Junkie
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