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Sweeneys Penalties

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Posts posted by Sweeneys Penalties

  1. 1 minute ago, Fatknacker said:

    The only function of the gambling industry is to separate the unworldly and unwise from their money...why would you expect it to treat you fairly?

    I have an account with Pad Power. I havent put any money in since March 2017....I regularly turn a coin and only occasionally lose. The key is...only bet when you know what youre talking about and you know the odds can work in your favour

  2. 2 minutes ago, Loon plage said:

    County ground Swindon maybe. Wouldn't put it past them asking Bristol Sport and then BS juggling three teams on that pitch.

    if the surface stands up to it....Bristol Sport will consider it all as extra money. It'll be quite some juggle though. Swindon would welcome the extra cash, but I cant see any other place being a good enough size tbh. The Rec has a bigger capacity than The Mem, so doubt they'd consider it a reasonable deal. IIRC Swindon were more than happy to roll out the welcome mat

  3. 19 minutes ago, Red Army 75 said:

    Just reading bath rugby are looking for a temporary home whilst there new ground is being built. I reckon they will play at the minimal ground. Which would be quite ironic. And then when there stadium is built. Rovers will upsticks AGAIN. And move in with Bath . All hypothetical of course 

    there was an outside chance that Bath were to play at the County Ground as an interim measure a few years ago. The Mem was never mentioned, but there again, Bristol Rugby and the Gas were sharing The Mem at the time

  4. 8 hours ago, phantom said:

    Heard him claim that the club got £1.5m for the players that left and only had £0.5m to reinvest. 


    Compare that to Hamer telling twentyman all the money received was reinvested 


    I'm intrigued what it was Clarke got a bollocking for revealing recently, certainly looks like it's coming to a conclusion 



    It's possible they are both right. Received £1.5 million for players, reinvested £0.5 million on players and the rest on tents, unnecessary offices in London, legal fees etc

  5. 3 minutes ago, MC26 said:


    2nd highest percentage of fans with banning orders relative to attendance. The figures are there for all to see but gas logic comes straight out:



    They'll definitely use this to try and justify their shite away followings soon no doubt. 

    in complete contrast we have Henbury Gas in Hero gas fans thread http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/13281/remember-good-news-story

  6. 22 hours ago, 22A said:

    Today's giggle; http://gaschat.co.uk/thread/13036/new-stands?page=19 ipgas posted

    It is for me because I have watched 50 years of mediocraty. I have seen Rovers in the Championship, Div 1, and 2 and non league, but mostly half way up Division One, or div 3 as it was. I want something better, I want us to have crowds of 20k+ like we did when I was a kid. If we had not have sold Eastville, I have no doubt that we would be the bigger of the 2 Bristol clubs. But that is history, and since then every ground we have been at has been crap, and the Mem is no different. I want to be a gashead watching a reasonable team in the Championship, not floundering around in the lower half of league one, because our sh**ty ground can only provide funds enough to do that. Meanwhile even some non league clubs have better grounds. Bloody angry to think some of you have no ambition for the club

    as far as I'm aware our Gas Headed friends didnt own Eastvillle. Eastville was the property of the Bristol Stadium Company...are they trying to convince someone they sold a ground they didnt actually own?

  7. 53 minutes ago, Ivorguy said:

    I just give up with the level of vitriol

    Corinthian Spirit truly dead in Bristol then, save for some of us oldies who still remain true to the standards of the 40s and 50s.  Atyeo and Bradford must be spinning in their graves at the views expressed here, if you can call them that.

    Makes me feel ashamed to be a City supporter in this age of hate.


    at age 56. I dont hate The Gas. They are quite simply an irrelevance these days. I miss the days of close rivalry, and they arent likely to reappear any time soon. 


    • Like 4
  8. 4 minutes ago, Born and Red in 82 said:

    They do indeed, Woodmarsh is the name of the (field) they play at..... it is quite literally a field with a portacabin for changing rooms. Actually maybe that would be a step up for Rovers!!

    TTFC started up again at a much lower level than when they were at Frome Road. But to be honest I couldn't tell you what league they play in now. Seems a long time ago since the days of the Beazer Homes League Southern Division!!

    OMG...I recall Cyril Beazer well

  9. 36 minutes ago, Born and Red in 82 said:

    I live in Trowbridge and if the Gas move in I'd have to sell up and move out!!


    Besides, any spare field around here is just developed for housing, I can't think of anywhere here that would be suitable for a Stadium.

    The local council are also anti-sport that's why Trowbridge Town F.C. dissapeared all those years ago...their old ground is now a housing estate!

    Frome Road.. yes I know about that. I'm due for a meeting in County Hall on Friday btw

    • Like 1
  10. 5 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

    I'm only repeating what was said in a pre-match discussion over a few beers SP and have no idea if they're correct. 

    It's actually quite a pleasant experience with the venue in the city centre. It would be a real pity if they had to move, particularly for the many small businesses who make serious money when Bath are at home. 

    the Club and local business have made their views very well known. I agree, and as a Bath born and bred person, the Rugby Club is an integral part of the life of central Bath. The moneyed Bath likes to live on a Chocolate Box  lid though

    3 minutes ago, Ska Junkie said:

    You on a wind up SP? If you are, that's quite brilliant. :clap:

    No I'm serious. I too am ex St Brendans. Same year, same Rugby team

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