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Everything posted by BCFC11

  1. Only reason I can see why Wally pulled out of the UWE deal is that they will never own the land it’s planning to be built on, also UWE were due to receive part of the non match day revenue? All could be renegotiated again of course. If this Ed Ware was that much of a messiah as some are making out why didn’t he take over before Wally?
  2. I swear they just do things to increase congestion all over the city? Probably to try and get more of us cycling or using the piss poor public transport. Next time your driving just look at the ludicrous amount of traffic lights we have, especially on roundabouts which are not even needed.
  3. Going by what quite a few of them have said, they love being ragass rovers, and would much rather be at tents r us than a soulless bowl like AG
  4. This. Hope you make a full recovery mate ??
  5. They pitch this monstrosity of a stand, say it’s a ‘massif’ improvement, yet we are VERY worried about them as they have the dog botherer at the helm yes we are absolutely shitting it ? If they did ever go into admin and hopefully disappear nothing would change regarding this thread as presuming with such a great and unique fan base (which only them believe this btw) they’d form a Phoenix club that’ll no doubt be coming for us, whilst dodging the dog shit in a home fixture v Lebeq at Eastville Park. Get well soon btw ??
  6. All that fuss for a trolley park with 6 rows of seating? ??
  7. AssChat at its best. Of course they would ? I don't think there's much of a difference between us and City, put us in a spanking new stadium in The Championship and we'd get similar crowds.
  8. That is true, but according to ‘gas logic’ every single person that attended in this neutral area were gasheads. Obviously.
  9. May as well of been, my 5 year old son would score past them at the moment.
  10. You sure? I keep hearing they are amongst the best travellers in the country? (No pun intended) strange they never seem to mention their shit home support, you know the one that really matters, where they own club profit?
  11. Just ask him, if their away support is so great, why don’t they bother to turn up to their home games?
  12. I take it the tent poles aren’t as much an issue as a girder?
  13. Due to past vile experiences with a few sag’s I really hope they vanish off the face of the earth, absolute cretins that follow that club. **** em.
  14. why on this earth would anyone want to purchase them? One of if not the most pointless tinpot club in the whole of football, if the rumours are to be true loads of the make believers are already crowing about a new training ground and UWE being back on, will they ever learn? Fk Em.
  15. Probably the only thing they have that’s decent at that shower of shit.
  16. If someone is stupid enough to take them over then I personally can’t wait for all the new videos and comments to come from the fewers on how they are going to bypass us on their way to the Prem, when their new owner promises them the world and they lap it up as usual.
  17. I personally wouldn’t have a clue who or what paid for it, I just take a Sags word as gospel.
  18. Their problem being is that they will actually need people to turn up to the Mem for a change.
  19. There’s more....... In October 2018 we will be 'remembering' 60 years ago ( North stand 1958) the last time we constructed a stand. This is a record in all 5 divisions and a small celebration will be held in the space of the proposed family stand. North stand October 1958 - October 2018 ( 60 years ) . And they only half finished that!! Edit: the last stand built which ran the length of the pitch was built over 90 years ago - the South Stand. I guess some things never change.
  20. Sags and a protest? ? They’ll bend over, take it and ask for more that lot.
  21. In some of their tiny little minds they just expect someone to gift them a stadium, they have been so hard done by over the years, didn’t you know? personally I’m just astounded that no one has came forward and provided them with a 100,000 all seater arena, they are the most bestest and most loyal supporters in the country after all, or so they like to tell everyone anyway, how no one has seen their HUGE potential and taken advantage of this I’ll never know.
  22. Haha totally missed that bit! The only fans in the country who state this.
  23. A post from Sagchat, unbelieveable for a so called ‘professional’ football club...... In October 2018 we will be 'remembering' 60 years ago ( North stand 1958) the last time we constructed a stand. This is a record in all 5 divisions and a small celebration will be held in the space of the proposed family stand. North stand October 1958 - October 2018 ( 60 years ) .
  24. No but it’s another one of their ‘well known’ dimwit supporters, frequent user of Twitter.
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