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Everything posted by BCFC11

  1. All whilst they seem to think they ‘deserve’ a new stadium, training ground, and a rich owner to fund their superb fanbase. Sums them up to a tee, the fake sheikh is having them over before their eyes, even confirmed by the Clarke himself, and to vent their anger they are going to Tweet a Jordanian Bank
  2. Banners? Fan demo’s/protests? Na we’ll bombard them on twitter!! Perhaps we should all use social media to reference honesty, integrity, trust etc through outlets like: www.ajib.com/en mobile.twitter.com/AJIB_Bank www.arabadvisors.com/hani-al-qadi If they won't talk to us then maybe we should, indirectly at least, talk to them. Hopefully they would then do the honourable thing and sell to someone more embedded in what BRFC is all about. ???
  3. They still clearly need educating on what a Franchise is, there’s only one club in this City that’s pissed off elsewhere and it isn’t us. Look at city. They got big headed and thought they could push through a new stadium, via a billionaire owner. Once they finally realised they could not / should not, they found their senses and redeveloped their ground in 3 years with zero fuss. Also established a successful franchise to hoover up and support nearly all other sports teams in Bristol. Now planning conference / arena. It's bloody simple when you have money and spend it properly.
  4. Utter ******* ! We were all well and truly taken in by these ***** , I’m just so angry and saddened that I along with many other long suffering gasheads thought that we were going to finally get the club we all deserved ! Like usual we’ve been shafted. It’s time to face the facts that we will always be a ******* joke to the rest of the football league, the only decent thing we have is us fans, we deserve so much better. Never use drugs kids, this is what happens. It’s rovers goal tally every week.
  5. Even Bristol Post are having a dig.... https://www.bristolpost.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/outstanding-liverpool-talent-bristol-city-2307518 Destroyed ?
  6. Personally think it’s a bad move, yes he’s trying to delflect the blame elsewhere, but to your boss/employer, and in public? It’s the same as in any other job there’s a line you don’t cross when your unhappy with something and he’s crossed it. Basically telling everyone that his boss is skint.
  7. Couple more beauties... The one thing we can all do is either mass protests as games or boycott. Do they not already boycott home games? Boycotting the Accrington game and going Christmas shopping instead seems perfect Getting the excuses in early I see.
  8. From Asschat... The fact remains that we have sold all the goals out of the side over the last couple of years and replaced them at a fraction of their value Does this chap not know they forked out £350k for their current goal machine (Taylor’s replacement) who averages 1 goal every 35 games? Loved that interview, basically showed that supporters are being taken for granted and treated as complete idiots by the board. Who wants to tell him?
  9. Haha which part? I get the impression the board are not at all happy with this, told whoever to ‘chop’ it and although I only said earlier that they won’t sack him due to finances they might not have much choice, Wally came out not long ago say how things are progressing in the background, we know it’s bullshit and it wasn’t ever happening anyway, now Clarke has come out and said the complete opposite to what his boss has said, clearly not a good move in any business, and if that wasn’t enough he’s basically told the masses that the club are skint! He’s getting more and more pissy each week with the owners in his press conferences, to me he’s been trying to get the sack for the last couple of months. He’s gave them a decision to make for sure. I still believe he’ll be gone within the next few days, shame as he’s doing well.
  10. They want Clarke out, they want the Owners out, are selling piss instead of Fanta, lost 0-4 at home, and afterwards Clarke admits they are skint and have sell 5 players before they can even LOAN anyone, he also rips the owners a new one by telling everyone the training ground or stadium ain’t happening! They haven’t gave us this much to laugh about for a while. ? FTG
  11. A Sag classic that is ‘if no one can see it, it never happened’ Embarrassing.
  12. Listen out for the ‘ted’ chants aimed towards Herbie as he swings it in for no3 ? https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/11575445/bristol-rovers-0-4-doncaster
  13. Rumours from a few Sags that they’ve called a meeting tonight, although I’ve learnt to never believe a fewer.
  14. Unless they are a Sag themselves with a shed load of cash then who in there right mind would want to buy them? A sinking ship losing money hand over fist, they are shagged.
  15. Gas Logic mate, one saying it wasn’t that bad despite losing 0-4 at home, and then this one that can’t grasp that teams below them are gaining ground
  16. I genuinely believe they can’t afford to sack him, he’ll walk today I reckon.
  17. Agreed, but what’s your excuse for home league fixtures? Loyal n True and all that.
  18. I’d imagine they are all excited about this large screen because they are hoping to have a live feed of our games on instead of the score just flashing up everytime we concede.
  19. Can see it now, Sags welcome Bath with open arms until their stadium is complete, then it’ll be ‘can you return the favour whilst we clean the carpets at our place again?’, then once the fewers set foot in the new Rec they’ll do whatever it takes to stay.
  20. I did read that somewhere, fair play to him for that.
  21. Never liked Noel Edmonds tbh may just be me but he’s a odd character, always seems very flirty/slimey around females even on TV, I could be be totally wrong mind you and he may well be a lovely bloke like Wally.
  22. What's even funnier is that one of the residents thinks that the fewer's have 11,000 turning up every game!
  23. Although I’m not a fan of how EFL have ruined this competition, this would be the ultimate piss take imo, our u23’s v them in a competitive fixture
  24. That’s why they brand themselves ‘loyal and true’ as no matter what is thrown at them by whoever’s in charge, they lap it all up bend over and get shafted without so much of a peep. Yet anyone who posts over on that lovefest of a forum about voicing an opinion and making a stand they are labelled a ted, or come out with, we ain’t like them s’heads who kick off and whinge at the slightest little thing, and no more is said. Here’s the thing Saggies, we don’t kick off at every little thing but if there is something seriously not going well or needs changing we will make sure that they know about it. The only time I’ve seen any sort off ‘protest’ was about 50 of you on the pitch in your Lonsdale slip on’s chanting sack the board towards Nick Higgs, and yes of course it was too little too late as Colin Daniel already sent you down. As for today plenty of City fans warned you that Wally wasn’t all what was being made out to be but did you listen no of course not, we were bitter jealous Teds worried that you’ll soon be overtaking us on your way to Premier League glory ? Where’s your fantastic, lovely bloke of an owner now? Gone into hiding and haven’t heard from him for weeks, yet none of you are questioning a thing, he’s having you over right before your eyes, and yet you just sit back and watch, that’s why you’ll always be Ragass Rovers who’ll never be anywhere above L1, you get what you deserve at the end of the day, and I’d be extremely worried right now if I was a fewer, thankfully I’m not. OTIB
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