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Everything posted by BCFC11

  1. It gets better still.... Last time interviewed wanted too many assistants this time his DNA does not fit with our culture we are tin pot , rag bag, find somewhere else to manage I will never chant his name be careful what you wish for, too big a job for cotts, Paul Hurst, Michael Flynn, Warburton or my favourite Danny Murphy the bloke is class he would have great contacts and raise the expectation, Cotts is another Buckle man's a .... ??????
  2. The same goes for most professional clubs these days regarding ‘our biggest budget ever’ due to inflated transfer fees etc, so not falling for that bollox, shows exactly what sort of club they are for spending money on players when their transfer record is a whopping £370,000 TWENTY SIX YEARS ago! Massive club, who deserve soo much better.
  3. ‘WTF is this place? From double winner to being surrounded by these morons’
  4. He would be a disastrous choice to a fanbase who can’t tell the difference between their ass and their elbow.
  5. Asschat just gets better and better..... I for one will not go anywhere near the Mem if Cotterill is appointed ! no big deal I know but if a few thousand felt the same way it might be If a few thousand felt the same way as this Belter, they’d have none of the idiots there at all! Whatever happened to the ‘We’d watch from the pavement?’ My Ass
  6. Cotterill would be a disasterous choice and I think it disgraceful that he has been sitting in the directors box with the idiot Hamer whilst DC was trying to manage the club.For me Paul Hurst is the obvious choice should we be able to get him How dare a man go and watch a football match with his mate whilst the team he’s watching currently had a manager already! They haven’t got a brain cell between them that lot.
  7. Was told today by someone who has very close links with both clubs that some of the Sag players were glad to see the back of him, had an agenda towards certain players, miserable, constant whinging and don’t think he’s all that he’s being made out to be by fans/media.
  8. Atleast Bus shelters are permanent, unlike they pop up flower show things they erect at the Mem.
  9. Another deluded idiot LincsBlue Post by LincsBlue on 12 hours ago Cotts would deplete the attendance figures.....leave him out Read more: http://gasheads.org/thread/7920/steve-cotterill-rag-bag-rovers#ixzz5ZfPNds92
  10. Cotts once he’s realised he’s actually the only one who’s shown an interest in the job...
  11. A step up for bombarding a Jordanian bank on Twitter I suppose. When you have a shit fanbase such as theirs I suppose a demo/march would look shite with so little attending, they’d just assume it’s the que for the piss flavoured Fanta.
  12. For obvious reasons and I’m a tad bias, but with the amount of comedy moments and embarrassing things that they continue to produce for a so called ‘professional football club’ on a near on weekly basis that only us locals hear about, no one would dare even apply to manage that shower of shite if half the things they do went national, and yet the loyal and true (all 6/7k of them) seem to think they deserve so much better? The same loyal supporters who’d never go to watch them again if they did appoint Cotts ?? I get that he’s ex City etc but they all seem to have taken his RagAss Rovers comment to heart, where @Peter O Hanraha-hanrahan states that it’s clearly nothing to do with them at all, he’d be the best manager they’ve had for a long time if he did get it, just a shame the squad is dogshit and going down. OTIB
  13. I really cannot see Cotts managing that lot, don’t think he’d put up with Wally’s false promises, no transfer funds, shite squad, and imagine he’s still being paid a lot more by Birmingham than what the Sags can offer.
  14. My prediction is that the next sag manager will not see this season out, they are in absolute freefall ?
  15. It'll be whoever falls for Wally's bullshit promises, just as Clarke did.
  16. Same post that I saw. Think you’ll find Donny fans were spitting at a ball boy.
  17. Racist abuse being shouted at players again verses Doncaster at the cesspit, only by 1 person I must add, not that it makes much difference. That club is stuck in the 70’s in every way possible.
  18. Is he into Boob cricket by any chance?
  19. All whilst they seem to think they ‘deserve’ a new stadium, training ground, and a rich owner to fund their superb fanbase. Sums them up to a tee, the fake sheikh is having them over before their eyes, even confirmed by the Clarke himself, and to vent their anger they are going to Tweet a Jordanian Bank
  20. Banners? Fan demo’s/protests? Na we’ll bombard them on twitter!! Perhaps we should all use social media to reference honesty, integrity, trust etc through outlets like: www.ajib.com/en mobile.twitter.com/AJIB_Bank www.arabadvisors.com/hani-al-qadi If they won't talk to us then maybe we should, indirectly at least, talk to them. Hopefully they would then do the honourable thing and sell to someone more embedded in what BRFC is all about. ???
  21. They still clearly need educating on what a Franchise is, there’s only one club in this City that’s pissed off elsewhere and it isn’t us. Look at city. They got big headed and thought they could push through a new stadium, via a billionaire owner. Once they finally realised they could not / should not, they found their senses and redeveloped their ground in 3 years with zero fuss. Also established a successful franchise to hoover up and support nearly all other sports teams in Bristol. Now planning conference / arena. It's bloody simple when you have money and spend it properly.
  22. Utter ******* ! We were all well and truly taken in by these ***** , I’m just so angry and saddened that I along with many other long suffering gasheads thought that we were going to finally get the club we all deserved ! Like usual we’ve been shafted. It’s time to face the facts that we will always be a ******* joke to the rest of the football league, the only decent thing we have is us fans, we deserve so much better. Never use drugs kids, this is what happens. It’s rovers goal tally every week.
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