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Everything posted by RedRoss

  1. Aren't you currently posting in a topic discussing that very rumour?
  2. Chill out.. A Horse With No Knowledge
  3. Nice George! Think that's the first time I've seen a poster reply to their own post.
  4. As a player! We're talking about management. Successful spells at Derby and Chelsea? Sorry have we lived in parallel universes.. what proven managerial accomplishments can you name he's done? Yeah I know Mark Robins did that.. I clearly acknowledged that in my last post however, you said you had no interest in League 1/2 football so why are you quoting it now?
  5. Lampard isn't proven so you're undermining your own argument. Plus Mark Robins hasn't been promoted from the Championship, good manager in the leagues below and getting Coventry where they were last season but surely again that goes against your 'zero' interest in league one/two?
  6. Yeah but come on Dave, look at the topic your posting in. The OP is seriously suggesting that it would be a good idea to name a stand in Nige's name. I didn't want him to leave for all the well discussed aforementioned reasons. However, I do think some posters need to move on as the club is much bigger than him or SL. I think the 'someone might’ve done better' posts are an automatic response from posters against the waves of overly melodramatic posts basically repeating the same criticism in numerous topics. I simply see it as one extreme battling against the other extreme. The truth probably falls somewhere in the middle.
  7. Please see these topics to name a few: Board interference How Do They Turn This Around? The response! Ultimate Poll: Pearson, Lansdown and the board My second posting in 3 years. I am sending the same post. Tinns Speaks Plenty of criticism out there (warranted) you can join in above! You can't blame fans to be inquisitive about our new manager/head coach. Surely we don't have to be in a constant mood of pity for Nigel and anger for the board. The club is much bigger than all of them.
  8. Waffle waffle waffle.. I'm sure there are some valid points (I skimmed your points) but as others have said it just screams self importance. If you were walking away 3 years ago and now reposted this again that's been a very long walk indeed. I hate when fans say they'll cancel their season ticket in protest for whatever injustice they perceive as a fan and then are back in that same seat moaning the following game. There are plenty other topics bringing up very valid points regarding the various bad decisions made by the club. Go and contribute to those discussions if you want but we don't need 'hey everyone look at me' topics every 10 minutes. I'll critise the club for my own opinion on certain decisions i.e Nige recently but it's not all been bad as you suggest especially the Academy which has been a triumph and one of the only shining lights. Regardless of my criticism or current state of the football club I'll be a fan for life.
  9. I understand the frustration with Nige unfairly leaving but some posters really need confine that to the 101 other ongoing topics right now. We need to give JE or whoever gets the job our full support. Who knows if he'll be a 'puppet' or a 'downgrade' ect. Let's give the guy a chance atleast.
  10. Brilliant post! I also think the recruitment has been good overall although very light, most fans could of said that and we're saying that at the time. Too much reliance on youth to supplement the squad however I think that pot is running drier than previous seasons in terms of quality. The biggest issue's in my opinion are light recruitment (too much cost cutting when not necessary and not bringing in more players) unfair treatment of Nigel in terms of contract or honesty if they considered he wasn't doing his job properly on or off the field, culling our CEO after a short period and the worst part.. Absolutely terrible communication from the actual decision makers (always hiding behind other staff) no ownership and sly comments when they do. However, just because there is ill feeling especially regarding Nigel's recent (and in my eyes very unfair) departure we shouldn't shoot down every remaining staff i.e Tins for fronting up and reiterating our apparent strategy. We can't moan we don't have any club identity and then moan when the club is apparently trying to do this. Although time will very much tell with this! I will also say Tins has slyly said the recently departed regime could of been the issue in terms of injuries and this could actually be true (who knows!) but I don't think its appropriate to say so especially now. Again regardless of injuries and who's fault it is, there has to be ownership away from Nigel because we didn't sign enough players. I have my criticism of the way they've implemented this nonetheless we do have to support our team because time will ultimately tell if a new coach or if this strategy will become successful. I'm very much hoping that will be the case!!
  11. If this is the start of a meltdown on here already. Imagine if Nige gets sacked, we then take 6 weeks to appoint Jason Euell..
  12. I wasn't part of either sack or keep in that previous poll.. I think apathy had set in for me at that time and I considered the job a poisoned chalice for any manager. You say surely people aren't that fickle. Of course they are especially when it comes to sport fans specifically football. It's a results based job and managers accept this when taking the job. However it's not solely the only reason fans, me included consider that Nigel has done a brilliant job. It's the context surrounding the results that is the main reason I support him right now. Drastically reducing the wage bill, hardly having any money to spend until this season (only after a huge clear out and two big sells) whilst maintaining and steadily improving our position in the table. Another big part for my support is the culture he's manifested during his tenure. We may play crap sometimes but the players always seem to want it. This has given us some type of identity as a team. It might not be tiki taka but it's definitely hard work. This has to be credited to the Nigel, his staff and players of course. He's got credit in the bank with me for sure right now. I'm not saying another manager couldn't do better than him but I think you'd be pushed to find one considering the circumstances.
  13. I've tried to remain neutral on this SL wants Nigel out the club subject for a while now.. but there is without doubt terrible treatment dished out from someone in the hierarchy above him. It's insane to treat him in this way. He's galvanised this team with one arm tied behind his back, selling key players and cutting the wage bill substantially. Whilst at the same time built a brilliant culture within the club and made steady progress year on year. We really need to show our support for Nige, he's a huge asset to us.
  14. Yeah the players switched off a little and Plymouth got some chances but it was that type of open game and ultimately they didn't go in. Some we're just invidual error and can be learned from and others we're avoided by brilliant defending. If your going to judge that game like that you could also point to our other chances if we're applying the same logic. Sam should of scored that third early on, he had another effort that was close later on but dragged it. There was that effort from Hayden which spurred a 6 shot sustained pressure from us with every player lining up for a pop. Feel like you have a point about the sloppiness but overly negative considering we played very forward thinking and controlled the game around their box for large periods.
  15. Great player he's such a perfect fit for this team currently and how we play. Him and everyone else.
  16. Wow on Yeboah's stats in those pics! I knew he had plenty of duels but can't believe he nearly topped the stats in duels with that 30 odd minute appearance.. Maybe he can rotate in midfield if needed ?
  17. Early days really. We needed to consolidate our lead last night as the game was still quite open and HR came on to help just that. I think he'll definitely have a part to play but currently Bell is on fire so no need to change.
  18. That would make sense to be fair. If there is a new establishment on the way, it would be likely they'd want to get their own people in maybe we've just accelerated that in preparation.
  19. Others won't see it the same but I'm actually quite happy with this. Completely secures Tins and his team to directly deal with the football long term. This is really important to keep continuity with the type of footballers we're recruiting. Where he lacks will be the financial aspect so that will be picked up separately.
  20. Thought he showed great hold up play aswell. He always brings commitment but really happy for him that he's finally off the mark for us.
  21. Haven't been able to get on from the match until just now. Think most people have been in the same boat so can't get in. Getting the above error message.
  22. I agree however that's the biggest 'if' really. I'm not sure we have the legs in the team to keep that up all game especially in the middle.
  23. It doesn't work like that. I've had the neighbouring land the longest and had a plan all along doesn't cut it unfortunately. It's the 'permission' part that you've missed out. Which until recently had passed until now this new legal objection.
  24. Very disappointing news but they do have a point. Inevitably new residents will complain and that could close their business unless something is worked out now i.e the roof or something else. Just seems strange timing for this to come up after being accepted.
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