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Tinmans Love Child

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Everything posted by Tinmans Love Child

  1. I watched FYRE on Netflix’s last night, and it very much reminded me of Rovers in that many gullible people got sold the dream by a so say rich person, only to find out he was skint and full of sh*t and could only deliver a nightmare of epic proportions! Rovers fans be warned! Worth a watch if you’ve not seen it!
  2. Regardless of how well he’s done in his first few games, this is a massive gamble for Rovers in their position, the last thing you want is a completely untried manager surely! Time will tell if he can handle things after a couple of losses!
  3. Is the saying something like ‘you can fool some people some of the time but you can’t fool all people all of the time’
  4. For a team that’s scored less than one goal a game, going 1 down is a definite problem!
  5. So many good caption competitions from the DC interview last night, fill yer boots!
  6. What’s mental is they have the second best ‘goals against’ record and the third worst goals scored record! So glad they don’t have any strikers!
  7. 4-0 down at half time maybe, but 1-0 down, that’s rediculous!
  8. I love the ‘DC wouldn’t have signed a five year contract unless he knew what Wael had planned’, comment, of course he would. “Darryl do you want financial stability for 5 years even if you do badly and get sacked in a career where 99% of managers get sacked?”, what do you think he’s going to say? “No thanks Wael i’ll take my chances!”. It’s got nothing to do with stadiums or training grounds that may or may not be in the pipeline, anyone with any sense would take the 5 year deal. And the problem they now have is that it will cost them to sack him because of the crazy deal they gave him!
  9. It has but it’s pretty damp and unloved! Not seen much skittles being played there for a while, since John left it’s gone to the dogs a bit
  10. Shame Fams going to come back and muck it all up like last season ?
  11. We’ve started this season as well as last season, shame the international break has come along!
  12. I had villa to win in my accumulator but luckily cashed out 2 mins ago! £50 for me!
  13. Lose at home to Accrington and who are the obesessed ones? Embarrssing
  14. I’ll always take a draw away from home regardless of how it came about, onwards and upwards
  15. Correct, I was replying to somebody else who suggested they had £750k in the bank from Harrison sale
  16. They are getting paid that in instalments apparently
  17. They’ve signed a striker!! Unbelievable! He sounds great as well, 64 goals in 251 games (1 in 4) or if you remove the 2 seasons where he played non league for Dover scoring 40 in 98, he’s actually scored 24 in 153 games or 1 in 6 as I like to call it, amazing!
  18. First game of season against a team who have spent a fortune, a credible draw really, 45 games to go!
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