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Everything posted by BobBobSuperBob

  1. Lies ? First is a matter of opinion and all things considered , resources , backing etc he's the worst I've seen in 46 yrs So can't be a lie or even a 'sort of lie' Second - you know no more than anyone else and what we do know is that Johnson was getting rid of JP,in the summer - call that what you like , so ..... Wheres these lies ?
  2. Such as ? The myth that Johnson had JK sold from under his feet ? That sort of lie ?
  3. Disgraceful - He's a complete and utter coward - makes me cringe - a total embarrassment Then says post match 'he loves the fans' Complete weasel
  4. Tammy Abraham Goes into away end to,speak to fans and some kids More balls than the rest put together And he's not even Ours !!!! Take a bow young man
  5. I seriously cannot believe that even Steve Clueless can avoid giving this clown the bullet after this Nearly six - brillianfpt safe from FF What a joke Time to bombard RB with texts
  6. Mr Lansdown If you do rid us of this clown you are playing with our football club like a toy and your credibility and respect is diminishing rapidly Five Five You bunch of an excuse for professional footballers The players are clearly downing tools F*cking disgrace
  7. Agree with this - disgraceful Typical 'Professional Footballers' give them any excuse and unfortunately we've given them a prize clown Four Now **** Off JOHNSON Andntake some of the playing clowns with you
  8. If Lansdown had no reason to try and claim the fans were behind Johnson months ago we wouldn't still be suffering the clown The blind faiths nonsense as pathetic as Johnsons management skills
  9. What's your excuse for golden boy tonight then Mr Apologist ? At least you are still here - the rest of the Johnson Faith have been noticeable by their absence recently
  10. The blind faith are going to have to dig deep to find make up some more excuses for the clown tonight Absolute disgrace - given up , players blaming each other Johnson is a clown and the players are an embarrassment
  11. More I watch that goal - we joke about 'You wouldn't see defending like that on the Downs' Well you actually wouldnt - quite incredible - looked in that passage that we genuinely want to lose Players are a disgrace - doesn't look by the goal that they are playing for Johnson or each other just praying they get complacent and we sneak back into it
  12. They couldn't give away softer goals if they tried Are we part of a Chinese betting scam perhaps
  13. May as well go for it and try and outscore them as we aren't capable of defending 3-2 anyone ?
  14. Ffs 4 statuesque defenders watch as man pulls off and nets inside box Our defending is absoulutely pitiful
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