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Everything posted by JoeAman08

  1. So where did I write disaster? It isn’t the results I am worried about. It is the performances that are worrying. We have had 20-30 minute spells in games where we look very good. The problem is the games are 90 minutes.
  2. Well is that not the game? Yes we overspent but NP is also creating an even wage bill. I don’t think these are just players we can afford. This is the way forward and even if they are the best available to everyone, they are the best to us. So should we not expect more from them? Also, let’s not downplay the quality of player. King and James older yes but released from prem club with plenty of experience at this level and one higher. Atkinson a 1.5m cb. Naismith a top 6 championship clubs player of the season. Wilson L2 team of the year. Even players like Klose and Sykes had plenty to be positive about.
  3. Maybe. I know from my point of view and the lads I watch city with are just frustrated with the lack of progress. We never expected top 6 but more to be a bit more solid and still be a goal threat. At the minute the defending is no better while the goals are fine. Naturally blame will be directed at someone(Vyner, Martin, Pearson) but again I believe that is frustration for 99% of us on here. Maybe there are more on here that like the negativity and I am naive. Just feel like you can’t blame a lot of people being frustrated after 3 pretty poor seasons and a pandemic.
  4. We don’t deserve them? How can you justify them deserving us? 24000 at sunderland. 13000 season cards. 1000+ and hull and wigan away. I don’t think there is an entitlement. We want to see some tangible progress on the pitch. No doubt the club has been up against it and it has gotten better off the pitch. Surely that is Gould’s credit then? NP has gotten players he has wanted for 2 summers now. We still have the same problems in the league.
  5. Not directed at me but thought he could have brought on wilson and pring to double up the wings. Like a 541. Wasn’t mad with the changes but he had another 2 subs to use and one slot to use it. Granted this would have been after 1 all but think Pring and Wilson could have helped defend and possibly been an outlet.
  6. Worst kind of fan that is there every week home or away ? you probably watching on an illegal stream. What does my nationality have to do with anything anyway? Comment is basically racist. Guess that is the right type of “fan”
  7. Bingo. We have 20 minutes spells where we look decent and people want to focus on that. I have been to all 3 league games. I don’t want to come on here saying how poor we are but nothing has changed. And I get finances are an issue but he has addressed problem areas which have had 0 affect. Individually on their day we have plenty who look capable but the man making the decisions can’t put the pieces together after plenty of time.
  8. JoeAman08


    Idk he tried his best to make his mistakes. First half especially. Covered Naismith once and thought fair play. Then proceeded to miss the clearance but was enough to get more defenders back. Near end of first half he tried an inch perfect pass to Martin’s chest and they had a dangerous attack. Was beat pretty constantly in the air as well. Which is not a strength but they did head his way more second half after Atkinson headed everything away on the left. I am usually the first to defend him as he is a useful squad player but his deficiencies become more clear the more he plays.
  9. And I think that is fair about knee jerk but the manner of the dropped points is a recurring theme. You can see the goals coming every time. Not really been a lack of luck defending. We invite pressure and fall into a pattern of get overrun on wings, cross come in and creates calamity, clear it as far as we can and repeat of concede pump one up to martin from kickoff which does not stick and back at us. It is a really frustrating watch and we do not change anything tactically to combat it. It was such a positive build up to the season with our early business and good preseason. That has disappeared in 3 weeks.
  10. 3 points in 3 games. We expecting any of them to be top half come end of the season? I have never seen a manager get so much leeway for poor performances. 65 league games and the same problems exist. He has signed 6 defenders and 2 midfielders. Our 2 weakest positions still. His way of managing is the same as Lee Johnson. All reactive if Plan A does not work. We need a goal throw on more strikers just like Johnson. He shows no ability to try and control a game. They are overloading wide areas why not try getting Wilson on and have Sykes help out there? Same on the left with Pring and Dasilva. Why not Martin off and King on to help get on ball a bit more? Nope nothing like that. Sat there with his hands on his hips and can just see in the body language has no idea what to do. Takes our two youngest players off in 35 degree heat. Does not use all his subs in said heat. We were under pressure for 35 minutes second half and he made 2 like for like changes.
  11. Reactive manager. Limited tactically. Plays Martin full 90 even though he is done by 40. He is the main problem at the club. Stop giving him credit for a clear out that would have happened regardless.
  12. He just plays with minimum effort. Classy on the ball but being tiny you can’t just play at his pace
  13. Martin not ran this half either but he’ll get another 90 min.
  14. Needed a change 5-10 min ago old Pearson sat doing f all. He is reactive and it costs us every game
  15. Martin isn’t for me. He has been decent the first half of both league games but ineffective in the second half. Not sure if it is fatigue or teams come out more aggressive but his play gets worse in the second half. Last night showed what a bit of pace and movement can provide. Not only did the defenders have to track runners but they had less time on the ball with 3 nippy forwards buzzing around while they were in possession. I know it was very much a young and second string coventry side but I believe that the pace and energy gives opposition more decisions to make and the need to make those decisions quicker. It will lead to more mistakes in the opposition third. I think Martin would be an unbelievable sub late in games with Wells. Maybe that is the plan when Semenyo returns. I have no qualms with CM but I just don’t believe he a starting player for any half decent championship sides anymore. You can state the goals last season but we were a bad side and basically threw away any balance because we needed to outscore teams as we could not keep them out. Also, thought CM looked fresher after those few games he did not start midway through the season. I think it should maybe be his job until Semenyo returns but I would like to see Conway and Wells much earlier than they have been coming on. They have a good understanding of each other and it would be daft not to utilise that more than we do.
  16. More pace in side tonight and no surprise more of a threat. Could be coincidence but would love to see Martin as super sub more often going forward. Semenyo to come back maybe was always the plan but I don’t see the need to keep playing him 90 when only effective for 50-60 min.
  17. Is going to be a worrying couple of seasons. I think they are preparing for it though. Think it was blatant lie about prem in 3 seasons. Think NP is strictly to get us through this rough period financially. Next season shaping up to be the toughest yet possibly. 4 starters ooc after season. Scott, Sememyo and Massengo could all be going in the next 12 months too. NP contract up when the finances start getting better think we should be looking at a fresh face then. Was hoping for a positive year this season with all that in mind. Still plenty of time for that but a bad start not ideal for the club.
  18. Why the expectation? Well we finished pretty strong last season. Looked a lot better defensively and we were scoring for fun. Then we added 2 starting players(Sykes or Wilson will probably play the majority)to that side. Both defensive players at that which was our biggest weakness. We retained all of our best players including our top goal scorers. The young players all have a lot of experience under their belts now. I don’t anyone expected us to go up in the top 2. I think the most hopeful would have thought with some injury luck, we might threaten the top 6 through 40 games or so ultimately finishing top half. At the minute, the defensive problems have returned and it just brings that dark cloud back over the club. A club that has been struggling for about 3.5 years now. People want the club to do well, it has been spoken about positively the last 12 months despite a lot going on. So everything and everyone was looking up the table. Yet 2 games in against a promoted side and a side with massive turnover we sit basically bottom of the championship. Not all is lost. It is 2 games and 2 of our best players will return shortly. It just would have helped to start a bit fresher than we have. And we want this season to go well considering the situations of quite a few players at the end of the season. Bentley and Kalas could leave for naught. Scott and Semenyo could be sold.
  19. I do think we need to scrap the 3 cbs. We do not play it properly. Our wingbacks are natural right and left backs. Most other teams have a hard working attacking player on at least one of the sides. The problem with scrapping the 3 is the lack of a defensive midfielder. Idk want to see Kalas and Semenyo back but still feel the same problems would be there. We’d just have 2 better players in covering up a percentage of these deficiencies.
  20. It is probably more the 15 or so wins in 60 or so games. And the abysmal defensive record that he has has 3 windows to sort. Keep in mind he has signed 3 cbs and a midfielder to help shield that defence. In fact the only position he hasn’t signed players for(the attack) are the only ones consistently contributing.
  21. Yes I typed too quick. Of course he has changed the culture and when he speaks about problems with the club and solutions they make lots of sense. There is a lot to like about NP. As you said though, it is on Saturday where he can’t get it right. And while I agree the finances have set us back, think we have signed enough under NP he should be getting more out of the players he has. Even if a couple players out. Also, this should be the comfortable season. Our 2 best players are seemingly is their last season with us. Semenyo has only a year left after this season. As said, his sale will be vital for the finances. Then Scott we have control of but how do we match his ambition? This season might fly as he is playing mens football for the second straight season but will he be ok to struggle with us again if prem clubs are calling? If there is little enjoyment this season, what are we holding onto next season?
  22. Both games so far it is like we are gassed by 60 minutes. It is real odd. Both games similar. Good first half but hanging on a bit near end. Good first 5-10 min of 2nd half then the energy disappears.
  23. It would help but the whole set up is off imo. Look how Sunderland play with a back 3. The left side was very attacking. Clarke and their LCB love to overload that side and Pritchard helped. Their right side more defensive. We are both sides defensive with 2 sat in front of them. It is just too easy to pin us back. Probably because we don’t have near the outlet Sunderland had with two big athletic and strong forwards. Chris Martin is a liability at this level. I imagine he plays because Weimann needs a partner like Martin but he adds nothing to our play. Can’t press, can’t get in behind. Links up ok at times but as I said before when he does get it to feet and lay off to someone else, he doesn’t have the pace or desire to be a goal scoring option. He needs to be on the bench when Semenyo is back.
  24. No most teams are proactive and get who they want not who is available. Preston didn’t wait around for theirs. Watford didn’t play nice with theirs. MK dons weren’t happy when they lost theirs to Swansea.
  25. You’ll get loads of stick but how many goals have we conceded since he has been here? 60 odd league games now still same problems. Bloke is clueless and getting credit for a squad purge that would have happened either way. Culture changed? Maybe but still a loser mentality. I don’t have it in me to argue about it all night. It is my opinion and I respect those that disagree. I don’t think the Kalas and Semenyo losses should be this impactful through 2 games. I am just so tired of watching us be second best in every game for most of the game. We have odd spells where we look great but we never sustain it.
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