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Everything posted by BigAl&Toby

  1. It’s been a long time. I took a break. So Pearson has been sacked. The Lansdowns? They couldn’t give a flying ****. Much talk about injuries affecting results. How’s about the funds that Nige raised from the sale of the family silver? And Steve, Maggie, Pula and Jnr prevented from being reinvested. Reinvested in playing assets? I’ve said it many times before. And have been laughed at. Maybe, just maybe some might start to accept it. The Lansdown family have no interest whatsoever in our football club. None whatsoever. They’ve got what they wanted. A cash cow of a stadium - Take That anyone. Surrounding freeholds as far as the eye can see. Development land at Ashton Vale. Meanwhile we, as a football club, have been well and truly ****** over.
  2. Yet you say Twitter is unreliable, loads of wild speculation and complete bollocks. Fuckadoodledo. The voice of reason…. ?
  3. Not just that. Anthony assists Antoine. Congratulations. Hope you score many more. Well deserved. ?
  4. Who is Marc Darcy? Has anyone on here ever used Huboo? Do these businesses get value for money? Was just wondering what they get from being part of the modern match day experience. Here’s one who I reckon could be in for a bit of business over the summer. Has a non electronic ad at the front of The Lansdown. Jack. Give Steve a call. Pitch needs more than a trim and scarify…… ?
  5. Having it off? I’ve not heard that for ears. Josh’s ears. Charles’ ears. Donkey’s ears. ? I’ve only got eyes now for the love of me life. Camillal……
  6. Girl friend was visibly in tears and hugging others. I offered her an embrace but - well you can imagine what she said. Her body language and tears make me think Alex is on his way. And bloody good luck to him. I’m left wondering how much of Alex and Antoine’s chips Big Nige will be allowed to spend? Or if Steve will be buying some more elephants in Rwanda….. ?
  7. @Stoke Gifford Red76 how’d it go? Hope you both had a great time. Word of warning. I’ve taken each of my 3 wives to BS3. The middle one and me went to the infamous Scott Murray demolition of Cardiff….. Yes. Each of my 3 wives. I enjoy showing them a bloody good time. And making them rich ? Anyway I’m on the look out for another one. Does your’s have a mate? ?
  8. Weimann? Well wide. No complaints from me though. Insight shown for our goal was, for me and Camilla, the reason he should start. I agree about Cornick. Needs to play closer to another forward. Up on the Downs or Eastville Park ?
  9. Anyway that’s that. So much for my top 6 bet. What a waste of money. So much for trips to Wigan, Cardiff, Huddersfield and Luton. So much for buying a latex robin mask, big ears, a crown and a cape. There’s always tomorrow my dears. CUNS.
  10. Is in the ground. Wearing latex! ?
  11. Aha. I’d not want to drift into making comparisons between Harry and Haaland or Kal and Ronaldo. That’s like chalk and cheese. Or Championship and Downs League. They might well have off days but the thing is I’d say they’d be few and far between. Unlike Harry and Kal…. And anyway I wasn’t masked up yesterday. Might be for Burnley though. As you’ve asked. Oh you didn’t. Just inferred. The mask hasn’t had an outing since Luton……. ?
  12. Which bit? Cornick’s “clearance” from 3 yards first half, or “World Class” Kal thinking that from 20 yards out he was going to bust the net in the second half? Toby reckons that we only need a few new signings over the summer to give us a chance….. Me? We only need to keep a few, not get a few! ?
  13. Might have done ? Actually I left all my latex in the Landy. But keep an eye out for a very very special visitor next Saturday…. Back to Harry. Might be my goal post and goal net affected view but I’m not convinced Mr Fevs. I want my strikers to easily and competently score from 3 yards out. Nothing more, nothing less. If they can’t do that then they shouldn’t be out there. Mr Curly Hair would surely have said the same at Brizzzz…..
  14. We sit first row behind the goal. We, along with whoever else is in the ground, get a perfect unbiased view ? Player reaction tells you everything you need to know. That’s one of the things that good old Rog used to go on and on about…… And anyway if good old Harry had tucked his 3 yarder away and if Kal hadn’t blazed it over the bar from 20 yards out it would have mattered less. But then the men in black. They’re always fair game and the fall guys. Did Big Nige berate Harry and Kal in the same way he berated Josh? I suspect not! I think I might try and dig out my old shirt for the Burnley game. Look out for a robin mask wearing official wannabe in the front row…. ?
  15. Sorry. I’m not a fan of Steve Jones. Or Harry Cornick. I get we all take time to settle into a new job and all of that but I don’t see him being that good. Might well be me, the fact that where we sit we don’t get perspective or just that I’m difficult to please but I’m not seeing what he’s bringing to the party. At this point I’d like to add that shrugging shoulder emoji that’s loved by someone else - but I don’t know how to! ?
  16. Personal opinion! A win’s a win but **** me was I bored?! I almost put the latex robin face mask on and started taking selfies. And whilst I’m in the mood how good was Naismith today…. Not very! Why shoot from over 18 yards out after a period of pressing pressure? Wrong call Kal….. ?
  17. Did it in front of us. Bizarre. Whatever it was **** me did it work? How did he miss from 3 yards out? Sadly for me he’s not upto it…
  18. Twas indeed Rog. And you’re right. Sometimes he was there as an assessor. Sometimes in his self appointed role as everyone’s favourite mate! ? Whilst assessors might well be at BS3 they ain’t there to assess match day referees. The only assessment that goes on now at Chimp level is post match by video. The days of The Milf bursting in whilst I was having a shower are long gone. Out of interest though did you know that the 3 officials today are tipped for the top? Might be next season. If you were there today I’d be interested to know how you viewed them? Overall I thought Josh did ok…
  19. I don’t think that’s quite right - assessors at games. Used to be the case - I often remember The Milf breezing in at Ashton Gate and explaining how he’d have done it - but I’m not sure BS3 has assessors at each game. Officials are assessed by an assessor, but now I believe it’s post match and by video. Could be wrong. And oh to go back to The Milf. Locks flowing behind him, designer raincoat on with the labels still on the cuffs. Those were the days…. ?
  20. I is! ? And for what it’s worth I was disappointed too. Not so much yesterday as I was with piss poor performances at Cardiff, Huddersfield and Luton. All games me, the latex robin mask and my boy attended. And where, if we’d put in a non-piss poor performance my Top 6 bet would still very much been alive. Anyway disappointment, posting nonsense and taking flak are bed buddies of mine! ?
  21. Shut up. Next thing you’ll be saying is you used to take your talc and slide about to The Snake in Wigan. Or you was a regular at the Bamboo Club. Or Western Star….. ?
  22. Last night and the other week. Dug out side. In the week where one linesman’s elbow connects with Robertson’s face I thought this was worth a mention…. The other week Craig did or didn’t flag an offside in the first half - I’m 56 and my memory for important facts is failing me. Second half and he’s checking the giving the net a cursory check. ******* hell Craig. You got that one wrong. He was offside. He of course was in line. Our perfect view from behind the goal told us otherwise. Craig, with his hand over his microphone, turns towards us, smiles and says “Nigel’s watched it back and said I was right”. Nice to see. An official who’s human. And engages. Last night he runs towards the South Stand. He’s smiling and looking. For us. He spies us - well he would. We’re standing up, calling to him and waving our elbows. Craig. Craig. Keep thy elbows in. He gives the net a cursory check, looks across, smiles and then goes about his business. Rare. An official who’s human. We like Craig. ?
  23. Careful. No one on here likes anyone who dare criticise the main man….. Meanwhile @pillred you feeling better this morning? I, for one, is looking forward to another perfectly punctuated post….. ?
  24. Sam Mason. Bring back Sam Mason. She was the female equivalent of the buffoon known as Downsy. Higher or lower. It’s Scott. Murray. No. Alex. No it’s Murray. It could be Alex. Or Murray. Anyway, higher or lower……. ******* hell. I’d even let @Robbored have a go…… ?
  25. Thing is @Robbored you’ve not answered my question. I think you’ve jumped to what I think is a stereotypical assumption. Wherever he was born he’s declared himself as Turkish. That must therefore make him a Muslim and must therefore mean he has the views that you’ve stated. My barber is from Afghanistan. He looks Turkish. He asked me once where I thought he came from. We had a good cultural chat. He told me he was a Muslim and didn’t drink. But he loved living in the UK. I asked him why. His reply? Because I like having jiggy jiggy with your English ladies. But I don’t tell my dad as he wouldn’t like that. You see? Not everything is as straightforward as you might believe. Now. If only I could find that wonderful emoji you like to use so much….. Enjoy the game later ?
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