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Dolman Block B

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Everything posted by Dolman Block B

  1. Can we get Dave Penney down the Gate tomorrow night, so we can show our appreciation for the tremendous job he's done up the road ??
  2. RIAZ....ffs? Bucks is sound, and just cant belive some attitude on this forum at times. You seem to be a sound felllow to. So.............
  3. Nice to meet you today Bucks. What a toss who sits next to you. Just whack the silly runt!!!!!!
  4. Fountaine....had a job to get in the side last season, but has been our best player by a mile in the Championship!!!!!
  5. Good reply, and if it costs you what you say it does to come over to watch the lads, then yer "proper".
  6. Hi Pete. Your profile name Belfastcityfan (don't take this as being rude mate) do you actually manage to get yerselve down to the Gate? Only reason i ask, is if you see the guy, he has so much presence, skill, and clever trickery, you would see it would be hard to leave him on the bench. He really will get even better within time, after all its his first season to at this level, and up to now I'm happy with the guy,s effort and performance. Before every kick off, he rally,s the fans, and is great to see. Still reckon he will knock in 15 goals this season, and even a hatrick as well. Once him and Byfield start getting their partnership working, we really will have a class forward line. Bring the championship on i say!!!!!!!
  7. You got some balls mucker, nice one
  8. Ta ta Rich baby, give our regards to Mr Peacock and Mr Brown. PS, M5 junction 18 off at Almondsbury quickest route to the mem, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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