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Norn Iron

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Everything posted by Norn Iron

  1. As it is an audio feed, your data allowance should be fine as not that much will be eaten.
  2. Yep. If you've a smart phone, go to bcfc.co.uk and pay £2.50 to listen to the game live. Commentary is via Radio Brizz. If your car has any kind of infotainment system either Bluetooth the audio or use a mini jack from your phone to the aux in. Failing that, get an anti-slip mat, put phone on top of dashboard, turn volume up and enjoy listening to our win! The closer your phone to the windscreen, the less chance of buffering. My phone works well enough left on the passenger seat.
  3. And yet your first sentence was what happened. He reacted instinctively by using the outside of his boot to make a 40 odd yard pass for Nahki to score the winner at QPR. The 2 defenders had no chance cutting out the pass. Sublime, magnificent and a pass to grace any world stage let alone ours. It was a privilege to see that pass and subsequent finish, standing behind the goal that day. I'd be interested to know who else could have made a perfect pass for the oncoming Nahki. Go to 8 mins for multi camera replays of this goal.
  4. I feel cheated! To think I had thought the Wurzels were the original spoofers of the classic Melanie song. Brendan O'Shaughnessy
  5. Was that the game when future Rovers boss Penney scythed down Junior Bent who was in full steam mode on the touchline? At the rear of the terrace was a small hut serving hot drinks. They had a paper plate on the serving hatch which was full of sugar lumps. City was attacking our end in the first half. We had just won our first corner when their keeper was suddenly pelted with sugar lumps. The ball was cleared but the 6 yd box was left littered in white cubes.
  6. 4r Yep. Went to both of your nominations. 3rd worst would be Wrexham on a cold, wet winter's night during the Pulis regime. It was 0-0 and we were lucky to get 0! A pathetic, abject display. I could nominate a Plymouth game that has been well documented elsewhere on OTIB. We weren't allowed into the ground let alone get off the chartered train so I never witnessed how bad a performance it was!
  7. I heard he started to sell German sausages. Consequently he had the best of months and the wurst
  8. No but I've heard of people going with packets of Rennie's Antacids. They have a digestive problem.
  9. And naturally a Quo track would provide the basis of the East End chant for him. No, not Caroline!
  10. Lie it flat in the fridge. You don't have to stand it upright. The app is here... https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.thepinterapp
  11. And it was a Saturday not midweek game as mentioned on a previous post. The only reason the Beeb broadcasted this match was because their main game had been postponed earlier in the day. The beeb knew they could set up quickly at Filbert Street so made a dash to get there. Don't forget that this was the game where BBC Bristol announced early morning that our game had been called off due to a waterlogged pitch (or frozen, I can't remember) only for them to announce 30 mins later they had been misinformed. This has been covered before on otib. Ps I was there!
  12. Looks like, Kid? Understatement of the year! Top Tip. Download the app. Follow all the Brewing Instructions and don't think you know better. You'll have the best beer you've brewed at home. If I can help at any time...just post! What beers have you got? PS your Pinter will be fine to use. I haven't bought a Mk2.
  13. Schwartz Brothers on Gloucester Rd was the best in Bristol in the 80s. Mind you, there weren't many in those days. They did a blue cheese Source which was as good as their barbecue version. I left Bristol in 1994. Is it still there?
  14. Yo Ska. Thanks for update. Really pleased you had a full pension survey. I have had to reread this thread to see what all the posts said. I think your dilemma can be summed up by asking if you're working to live or living to work? How secure is your job? There are people who have benefitted by waiting knowing that voluntary redundancy is looming. You then get a financial incentive plus your pension. It might not be a subject we like talking about or wishing on anyone but it is a fact redundancy happens and can be an advantage to some. Sounds to me as if you're liking the idea of retiring more and more but are naturally scared about the finances. The doom and gloom merchants think the worst will happen to this country. Having left primary school education in time for the 3 day week and all those power cuts, I can confirm we survived. It's not all doom and gloom. You are preparing well for that retirement day. Reviewing your preparations is important and should be reviewed annually as a minimum. I think the first week of March 2022 would be a great time to make an informed decision as to what to do for the forthcoming tax year ie work or retire. You would have come through the winter months re your job and will have more of an understanding if you want to continue working. I said the first week in March as a review date because of that all important Bed and Breakfast 'offer' I discussed in a previous post. This is where you take advantage of all HMRC has to offer for tax year ending 5th April 2022 and the new tax year that will start on the 6th April. You will be able to honestly benefit from those 2 days and your financial advisor will earn his commission. It's not a difficult process and it's 100% legal! Your thread has helped City fans think more about their own pension situation. Without my work pension I had for 9 years commencing in my mid 20s, my family would be on the poverty line today. I'm not exaggerating either. This includes the state benefits we gratefully received. Nobody could've guessed my wife would be so ill (cancer survivor as well) that I would have to give up my job and become her full time carer. 25 years on from my last monthly salary, my lil ol' pension saved us. To those City fans who haven't got a pension, please do something about it this coming week. Even if it is putting in a minimum amount per month, just do it. You're not providing just for your retirement but there will be a way out financially should anything change before your assumed last working day.
  15. Norn Iron

    TV tonight

    Bless! Bizarre though re blue and red shirts and white shorts. I'm sure Dave you've heard of us old' uns watching black and white tvs with Brian Moore saying, "For those watching in black and white xxxx are playing from left to right." Later on they'd say it for those that were colour blind.
  16. Norn Iron

    TV tonight

    I remarked at the time why both teams were wearing white shorts. Maybe Scotty got it wrong and the ref couldn't be bothered?
  17. Norn Iron

    TV tonight

    Maybe Robbo you were expecting 4k HD or at least Full HD on your Sky Q box? It should've been in HD Ready as a minimum on Q.
  18. Norn Iron

    TV tonight

    Interesting Robbo. I watched it on a Sky HD (old style) box and it was in HD.
  19. Norn Iron

    TV tonight

    Ho hum. Wish I had read Dave's and your response before sending my version! We're both correct S. Cider!
  20. Norn Iron

    TV tonight

    Sorry S.Cider but that's wrong. You might be getting confused between Ultra, 4K, HD AND SD (standard definition....yuk, think 576i). HD is 720p/1080i and used to be called HD Ready. This is different to Full HD which is 1080P (also called 2k). As of this season, Red button games are in basic HD definition (1080i). Last night's was in HD and a marked improvement on previous seasons which were in SD. However, Sky like messing around with bitrates etc, that's why one channel that is in HD might look better than other channels for picture quality. 4K tv is also called Ultra HD as it is 4 x 1080P. I'll leave the difference between i and p for another time. P is slightly better, generally. If you're used to watching footy on a 4K tv with subscription to go with it, you're right that the PQ (picture quality) will be naff compared to what you're used to. However going from 625i to 1080i is a marked improvement.
  21. And the feedback has resulted in a new brewing dock as a result of others making similar comments.
  22. Norn Iron

    TV tonight

    The definition was far better now that it is in HD. Have you paid the extra payment per month to receive HD instead of Standard Def (which is exposed as to how bad it is on this platform)? The agreement with the EFL for Red Button games allows for only one camera and no replays. However, you can record the match. This way you can watch the recording as if live and rewind for any incidents such as the penalty. Go to the TV Guide just before K.O. Select Sky Football and scroll if necessary to the main match being shown at same time as ours. Hit Record. A drop down menu will appear showing all the red button games. Select the one you want to watch ie BCFC. A red circle should then appear noting it's recording. Then go to your recording section within the planner. Select the game and watch. I haven't tried the above on Sky Q but it must be something similar.
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