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Norn Iron

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Everything posted by Norn Iron

  1. Nope! First 2 albums had Barry Andrews, from London, in the band. He left and was replaced by Dave Gregory just in time for Drums And Wires. Making Plans For Nigel is on Side 1.
  2. However, here is the Nuevo which I bottled and then stored in the fridge 15 days ago. I am chuffed that I now have the clarity you'd expect in a pub. When I bottle the remaining Czech lager tomorrow, I'll be expecting a similar result.
  3. What an extra two hours rest makes to the clarity.
  4. Talking of which.... I brewed and then bottled the Californian Nuevo. I had added a brewer's sugar drop into the bottle and left it for 5 days in the kitchen so that the Carbon Dioxide could do its thing in a warm temperature. The beer was then rested in the same fridge as the Czech lager. This should kill off the remaining fermentation and produce clarity. It will be opened later tonight but the signs are looking fantastic.
  5. My Czech Lager started life on 5th June. I brewed for maximum days recommended, 8, followed by maximum conditioning which terminated at 5pm ie just now! The anticipation today was almost like waiting for the start of the new football season with City obviously going to get promoted! The difference in taste was vastly different to the look. It looks more Aden Flint than David Beckham. However, Aden wins big time! Even my son on the non-blind taste (one is cloudy the other is clear) with a Budvar Czech Lager agreed that the flavour was won easily by the Greater Good! I concur. My version is better. It is so much more fresh in taste. The notes said there will be subtle fruit and will produce a drier taste if left to maximum. Totally agree. I can taste both hops and the subtle fruit reminds me of peach. The dryness is remarkable. This is my third brew of Republic. Previous versions have been on the minimum plus an extra day or two. Both were really good but leaving it to the maximum, as in today's, creates a better, more rounded lager. They were correct! Well, almost. The Brewer said you'd get clarity if left. As you can see from the photos, that isn't true. This could be due to the fact I only left it an hour to settle out of the fridge. I'll know more when I bottle the rest tomorrow and then leave for 5 days. Talking of which....
  6. I have brewed the IPA and both my son and I loved it. It is what I wanted from a beer ie to taste the hops and malt not an abundance of fruit. I haven't noticed any loss in flavour. It was their stout that confirms what extra days do in the conditioning. Just like comparing a 10yr old Bushmills to a 12,16 or 25 Yr old version, all the flavours become more balanced and deliver a more rounded taste the longer you leave it. The Dark Matter Stout was blind tasted by our next door neighbour. He absolutely loved it as he was a Guinness fan. The Mk 1 version (minimum brew and conditioning) to him was slightly licorice heavy whilst my mk2 version (maximum 5 and 7 days for both) wasn't. I agreed. The hops, roasted barley and the taste of coffee were all there but had mellowed to create that fuller flavour. I am currently working through all their fresh presses but will return to the IPA soon as it really was fantastic. My notes (see pic) suggests I should condition a bit longer next time....just to see what difference an extra day or two would make. I am brewing their Four Saisons next weekend as I haven't tried it before. I'm not much of a lager man but am determined to crack the Czech lager. It has been more than good on both previous occasions but I'm hoping the max conditioning time will help rival my favourite lager namely Budvar! My personal preferences so far are Nuevo and IPA. Lockwood, Dark Matter and Republic are also recommended. Waltham Forest Fruits Cider to be avoided as IT ISN'T CIDER! Cider has apples. End of. Grrrr. Mind you I haven't tried it but that's besides the point! Cloudy Nine Cider was ok. It beats Rockshore Cider and Strongbow easily BUT once you've tried Thatcher's Gold you won't want anything else apart from Haze and Katy and others in their range. What have you tried?
  7. Thanks Mozo, Peter Gabriel fan per chance? My Republic Lager is now conditioning in the fridge having brewed for the maximum days. Thursday 24th will be the maximum number of recommended days in the fridge prior to drinking. I have dabbled with bottling the beer into flip-tops. I have learned that my brews seem to lose a little bit of the carbonation after 24 hours in the pinter hence bottling. However, to restore the fizz I place a carbonated drop (a small brewer's sugar lump really) into each bottle. It really does work and 5 days later I have a great bottled beer. However, my last bottling attempt wasn't perfect as I immediately placed the bottles back into the fridge once the drop was added. Previously, I followed the recommended guidelines to leave the bottles in a warmish place for 5 days before the fridge. I can only assume this is because the sugar needs to react to any active yeast to make the CO2. The coldness of the fridge stops this process from happening. I have kept one bottle of the Californian Nuevo brew (lager meets pale ale=wonderful) to compare with the Czech version. I'll then compare the Republic with Budvar to see how Czech the brew is! I am expecting great things having made the Republic twice but not to the maximum. The extra days should give a more balanced and flavoursome beer. It was good on the minimum so it should be even better!
  8. The Greater Good is great at keeping us informed. In the post today was yet another booklet re all the brews available plus hints. Here are a few snaps....just in case you're still interested in buying or have taken the plunge.
  9. I drank it every night for 2 weeks when over in Cahors 20 odd years ago! It was like chalk and cheese compared to Malbec. Cahors was an acquired taste. Full of brambles in flavour but I soon got used to it. We bought Cahors wine via Internet as well when we returned. We had visited a vineyard owned and run by a retired English couple near Montcuq. Good stuff. Malbec has no issues. Full of fruit and soft, if any, tannins.
  10. What has personal preference got to do with postings on here? :laugh:. Some of the best beef cattle in the World also comes from the emerald isle but the rest of the argument currently falls flat until global warming kicks in big time. The Glens of Antrim will grow incredible grapes! Havana, I've been to the home of the Malbec grape which is Cahors in France! Mind you, a Cahors wine tastes nothing like the Argentina version. What's more the Argentinians produce a superb Cab Sauv available in the Co-Op....or did when I was last on the mainland.
  11. Having tried the Czech Lager already but on minimum brew/conditioning, this one will be made using the maximum timings (20 days).
  12. Then the concentrate (fresh press) is added followed by the yeast...
  13. They are excellent for customer service. I have found that the handle must be at 12 o'clock. If you under or over-tighten the brew dock won't properly attach. I've just started my latest brew. Here are some photos....
  14. I thought you might like to see what arrived in the post this morning! I placed the TV mag on the top so that you can gauge the size of the packages. Please also note the deliberate choice of colours for our slip mats! The second photo shows what is inside a package. I have everything needed for the cleaning and brewing process apart from the water. Our water here in Norn Iron is so soft, I use tap water to make all beers.
  15. I am. A Cabernet Sauvignon would have been a far better choice of wine with a steak.
  16. Wait till you start ebaying for said device accessories and you Harold's books!
  17. Excellent. I trust she will order. Just ask her to pm me. There are a few weeks delay in supplying currently. Don't let your wife be a chicken, Masala by not ordering!
  18. Here's the Dark Matter Stout I made but using the maximum brewing and conditioning times. It was opened last night. It is better than the previous version which was made using the minimum timings! The difference is that every single flavour has mellowed resulting in a more balanced taste. It really has a coffee taste. Whilst others enjoyed the previous version, this one has improved no end. I am not a fan of Stout generally and whilst I found Mk1 acceptable, Mk2 is more than drinkable! I really enjoyed this Mk2 stout.
  19. Great. Just pm me Fordy when you're ready.
  20. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
  21. Cider Update. The photo was taken a few minutes ago. The cider was conditioned for a further 5 days in Flip-top bottles (a brewers sugar drop was added). There is a difference and for the better. It has mellowed and there is a better, more apple aftertaste. It doesn't come close to T Gold but shows up Strongbow even more. Why do people drink Strongbow? My fully conditioned Stout will be fully conditioned on Tuesday. If the sample I tried from the brewdock, after the max brew time and 2 days cold crash, is anything to go by then it will be amazing. The minimum brew time and conditioning i did for the previous stout will confirm that whilst it was perfectly drinkable, giving it more time is the key.
  22. Let me know via this thread Tonyx3, if you want advice etc.. Some people take it to the enth degree. Just fo what it says on the video! Looking forward to hearing about your first brews.
  23. That's why I drink lager....for spicy food! You're spot on. Do the basics correctly and you are rewarded mightily.
  24. Top Tip When pouring, place the pinter on top of your dishwasher. Open the door.... low and behold you have your very own drip tray.
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