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Norn Iron

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Everything posted by Norn Iron

  1. I thought you might like to see what arrived in the post this morning! I placed the TV mag on the top so that you can gauge the size of the packages. Please also note the deliberate choice of colours for our slip mats! The second photo shows what is inside a package. I have everything needed for the cleaning and brewing process apart from the water. Our water here in Norn Iron is so soft, I use tap water to make all beers.
  2. I am. A Cabernet Sauvignon would have been a far better choice of wine with a steak.
  3. Wait till you start ebaying for said device accessories and you Harold's books!
  4. Excellent. I trust she will order. Just ask her to pm me. There are a few weeks delay in supplying currently. Don't let your wife be a chicken, Masala by not ordering!
  5. Here's the Dark Matter Stout I made but using the maximum brewing and conditioning times. It was opened last night. It is better than the previous version which was made using the minimum timings! The difference is that every single flavour has mellowed resulting in a more balanced taste. It really has a coffee taste. Whilst others enjoyed the previous version, this one has improved no end. I am not a fan of Stout generally and whilst I found Mk1 acceptable, Mk2 is more than drinkable! I really enjoyed this Mk2 stout.
  6. Great. Just pm me Fordy when you're ready.
  7. Please let me know if anyone is interested.
  8. Cider Update. The photo was taken a few minutes ago. The cider was conditioned for a further 5 days in Flip-top bottles (a brewers sugar drop was added). There is a difference and for the better. It has mellowed and there is a better, more apple aftertaste. It doesn't come close to T Gold but shows up Strongbow even more. Why do people drink Strongbow? My fully conditioned Stout will be fully conditioned on Tuesday. If the sample I tried from the brewdock, after the max brew time and 2 days cold crash, is anything to go by then it will be amazing. The minimum brew time and conditioning i did for the previous stout will confirm that whilst it was perfectly drinkable, giving it more time is the key.
  9. Let me know via this thread Tonyx3, if you want advice etc.. Some people take it to the enth degree. Just fo what it says on the video! Looking forward to hearing about your first brews.
  10. That's why I drink lager....for spicy food! You're spot on. Do the basics correctly and you are rewarded mightily.
  11. Top Tip When pouring, place the pinter on top of your dishwasher. Open the door.... low and behold you have your very own drip tray.
  12. Pinter in home kit. Co-Pinter is 70s away kit. The only brew-dock I have is red. My other bottle is my homemade rhubarb gin with homegrown rhubarb!
  13. Above is the Cslifornian Lager. Nuevo
  14. This is their stout called The Dark Matter
  15. The above is my Czech lager having been bottled and left a few days. The clarity has improved no end. Clarity isn't required as it's a craft beer so naturally hazy. The taste is fresh, clean and crisp
  16. Gaz, Don't worry about the cold crash. Majority don't and it isn't essential. As long as you can get the pinter into your fridge on the horizontal, that's what counts.
  17. Excellent Tony. I'm a real ale guy but have tried both Pilsner and Czech and they're really good. Last weekend we tried the Californian lager. Wow! Almost like a mild IPA. I've tried the Czech having used the minimum timings. There was a better difference when I increased the brew time by a day and the conditioning time was a full 4 days. I've ordered it for June only this time I'll condition for the max recommended. I'll post pictures later!
  18. I'll pay my fiver to otib later so that I can upload my photos. The cider, on our blind test, trumped Strongbow easily but it isn't Thatcher's Gold which easily trumped the pinter cider. I'm really pleased with all my brews so far and so is my Stoke City son who wants to try all the others.....but not paying for it!
  19. Yep. I had just one initially (in red obvs) but the co-pinter is in white! I'd have chosen Purple if it was available. The idea is that when you move from brewing to conditioning, you don't need the brewdock. This can be washed and then used with the co-pinter. The longer you leave it to condition the better your beer. It becomes more rounded in flavour. Let me know when you get one. I've tried a couple of tricks as mentioned on the Owners Facebook Page. Cold-Crashing is when you put the punter plus dock in the fridge but keep it vertical for at least a day. The coldness makes the yeast fall quicker into the brew dock. Once the brew-dock has been detached, put the pinter into the horizontal position. Most owners haven't the luxury of space in their fridge and it's not a necessity. I do like bottling any left over beer from the first night of drinking. The beer can continue to condition in the sanitised Flip-top bottle and tge result after 5 days is amazing. All that's needed is brewers sugar or caster...say half a teaspoon. Then place bottles in fridge for a few hours to kill off the yeast. Top tip....Read and watch all the instructions and follow them to the letter. You won't go wrong!
  20. I've been the proud owner of the diy beer since February. I am slowly but surely working through all their offerings. If anyone else is thinking about buying, you won't be disappointed especially if you watch and read the instructions.If you don't take short cuts, you'll be rewarded with excellent beverages. Anyway, I have finally made their Herefordshire based Cider. I used the maximum brewing plus conditioning times including a cold-crash. My son and I did a taste test an hour ago to see which was better: The Greater Good Pinter, Strongbow or Thatcher's Gold. Strongbow came 3rd. 2nd easily beat Strongbow and First trumped 2nd without even trying! 3rd Strongbow 2nd Pinter 1st The otib favourite! The Pinter is a great investment. The bottling to condition longer has yielded clearer beers and a more rounded flavour. Who else has tried?
  21. I was going to say Liam Walsh! Hopefully, they'll both play and we'll win 6-0.
  22. And the song was written in a Bristol Hotel after seeing a tourist brochure which mentioned Spires etc...
  23. I thought we sold him to Peterborough!
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